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       I'm really excited to post this chapter because this is probably my favorite concept to talk about! I already kinda ranted to you about this one (bosinthehouse ) but here we go again!
   Ok, so names are the strangest things if you really think about it, I mean let's take the name Madison, for instance, and then let's take the word, pillow.
   So why is it normal to name someone Madison, but if you name someone pillow, then it's weird. Like who said that the name Madison was normal but the name pillow is weird, what makes it a weird name? Who made up names, like how were names originated into normality..I have a feeling that made no sense but do ya kinda get the feel for what I mean?
   Also last names are super weird, because like where do they come from? Who ever came along and was like "Oh yeah if your last name ends in Ski, you're Polish, or Os, you're Greek? Essentially, who assigned specific countries, specific last names? Like what makes certain last names of certain descent? I won't say my last name, but it's German, so what exactly makes it German? I don't know, the concept just really messes me up and it's really trippy to just think about!

   So yeah let me know what you think down in the comments and do you see that little star button down there at the bottom of this page, make sure you tap that! (It won't explode I promise) Stick around for the next chapter!

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