FaceTime/ Skype/ Basic Video Chatting

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   This one is so freaky and it creeps me out so much, so I'll go ahead and explain it.
   Ok, so FaceTime and Skype, or basically any type of video chatting, if you don't know what it is then, It's basically a phone call, but you can see the person you're talking to. (Who doesn't know what video chatting is, ok sorry, back to the concept) So you can basically FaceTime anyone, anywhere, anytime, so if I knew someone in Japan, I could FaceTime them right now and it's up to them to answer, but here's the weird part. Japan is in a different time zone, so you're talking to someone who is a complete day ahead or behind you, but in that moment you're talking to them! So as you speak to them you're both essentially talking to someone in a different time then you. It's trips me out so much to try and process. You know what that sounds like? It sounds to me like time travel. I mean you're speaking to someone in a different time so wouldn't that be considered basic time travel?

   Let me know what you think about this one, it literally freaks me out so much! Make sure you stick around for the next chapter!

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