Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler Hamilton

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*cringe-y basil artist voice*  I call this piece "Good Mothers"

Phillip: It's nice to be back and all, but why am I here?

Eliza: Ssh, you'll see sweetie.

Phillip: . . . okay.


Ramos: Mom, where are we going?

Pippa: We're almost there!

Ramos: This better be good.

Pippa: It is. I promise.

*Pain flashes through his eyes as he remembers the last time he heard those words. He fights back tears.*

Ramos: . . . okay

Pippa: Here we are! * knocks on door*


Phillip: *from upstairs*  Ma, somebody's at the do--

Eliza: I got it! * rushes to open door. she opens it and sees Pippa and Ramos* Come in, come in!

*They both walk in and sit on the couch*

Eliza: Pip! Come down here, there's someone here for you!

Ramos: Wait . . . you don't mean . . ? *looks at Pippa with wide eyes* Mom, did you . . ?

*Pippa smiles and nods. Ramos throws his arms around her*

Ramos: Thank you thank you thank you!

*Phillip comes down stairs and sees Ramos*

Philip: . . . Holy sshhhhhhhhiskebab!

*Philip runs to Ramos and kisses him. He kisses him back and it starts to get a heated*

Pippa: Can you please take this somewhere else?

Ramos: *turns red* Oh, um---

*Philip drags him upstairs with a dorky grin on his face*

Eliza: Dear lord, sometimes I feel we're the only heterosexuals in this family.

Pippa: *chuckles* I'm pretty sure we are. Like, if my husband didn't marry me, I woulda thought he completely gay.

Eliza: Oh thank the lord, I'm not the only one who sees it.

Pippa: Oh, Laurens has as well. Many times.

Eliza: And Jefferson.

Pippa: And-- *hears loud creaking and muffled moans from upstairs* --BOYS KEEP IT DOWN PLEASE-- I'm pretty sure Burr meet that side once or twice,

Eliza:  Burr? Really?

Pippa: Yeah, yeah.

Eliza: Huh, I never would have thought. I can sort of see Jefferson, but Burr?

Pippa: I didn't expect it either and --*more creaking is heard*--- WHAT DID I SAY??-- and that's just when I had to accept the fact that he can be very random and unexpected. Now, whenever our children are done, I have to start heading back to my world. I think I left the stove on and I don't want the house to burn.

Eliza: Hmm . . . burn . . .



She suggested that Eliza and Pippa talks about how gay Lin is in the musical

 Also, thanks guys for the 1.3k reads and ranking of #515. It really mean a lot :D

And, um, Hurricane Irma's gonna hit here in Miami later this week so if you stop getting updates for my stories and stuff either we have no electricity or, ya know, I'm dead. One of the two.


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