Phanthony (Philip x Anthony)

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Kinda based off the last chapter. Also, thank you JohnLaurensTurtle25 for helping me with this chapter (ship name, plot, and just giving me the idea to write this).

"S-s-so that man is the reason I . . ." Philip trailed off, unable to say the final word. Anthony nodded, not meeting the other man's eyes out of fear he would see the sadness in them.

"Die." He finished for Philip. The poet stared off into the distance. Being told how you die wasn't exactly the easiest thing in the world to handle. If he avoided it, he risked altering history as we know it. The world was either going to change for the better or for the worse, and that wasn't exactly a risk he was willing to take. Philip blinked and shook his head. Now wasn't the time to be thinking of such things. When it was his time to die, it would happen. "Is there anything else I should know?"

Anthony opened his mouth to speak but decided against it. "No, there isn't."


"Hey, there's no need for formalities. Just call me Anthony, Pip."

Philip blushed at the nickname. "Anyways, A-Anthony, don't lie to me. You just told me how I die, what can be worse than that?" Anthony looked down at his feet and began to shake slightly. Tears began to spill onto the floor.

"You ok--"

"You don't know what she's done!" He suddenly screamed. The actor finally looked the poet in his eyes. Philip finally saw everything Anthony had been holding back this entire time.

He saw all the varying layers of sadness. Guilt and regret for his death and . . . heartbreak. Because he knew he'd never be able to be with him. They'd both be sent back to their proper periods as soon as the author decided to end the chapter. Even if they did get together, they'd be separated at any point and they'd never know when that point was. Would they feel the end coming or would they just be sent back all of a sudden. But this . . .

. . .

. . .

This was a risk he was willing to take. 

Philip cupped he crying man's cheeks and turned him so the tips of their noses where touching. He brushed the tears off Anthony's face with his thumb, who was blushing from having their faces so close.  "That woman won't do anything to you,"Philip whispered "I promise."

Anthony stared into Philips eyes, his own filled with helplessness. "Do you?"

Philip smiled and kissed his cheek. "I do." Anthony smiled. "Pip?"


He was cut off by the other mans lips crashing onto his. Philip didn't hesitate to kiss back.  Anthony smiled against his lips as he slid his hands and tangled them in Philip's hair before tugging slightly. Philip moaned softly. The actor pulled away for a moment and leaned into his ear. "You like that, hmm?" He whispered as he tugged harder.

He moaned louder this time. He gripped the collar of the other man's shirt. "Fu--"

*Elder McKinley has been summoned to keep this relatively pure*


*Elder McKinley returns to his musical*

Both men looked at each other for a moment for laughing their asses off. Yeah, it was kind of expected. but it was still kinda funny.

"Hey babe?"

Anthony failed to conceal his blush. "Yeah?"

"How are we going to know when the end of the chapter is near?"

Anthony sighed and gave him a sad smile. He placed his hand over Philip's. "I . . . I don't know. But what I do know is that, even once we've gone back to our separate time periods, I will never forget you. Not for a single second."

At this point, Philip was bawling his eyes out. He threw his arms around the other man and buried his face in his chest. "I-I will n-n-n-never forget about you either. It's j-just . . ." He let out a long sigh as he curled up to the other man who wrapped his arm around him "I just really don't want this chapter to end."

"I don't want it to end either. But I'll stay with you all the way until the end." He pecked the forehead of the younger man.

But little did the know, even when the chapter ended, they'd still be together. Living on through the hearts of the readers of their love for each other. Whether it be in their minds, in their notes, or right here in the community known as Wattpad, they will both be together through everything life has to offer. Through petty squabbles and fits of jealousy. Through angry fights that end in them ignoring each other for what feels like for ever or rough sex. Through all the happy moments others may think of or that they do themselves, they stayed with each other to end of their days.

And past the end of the chapter.

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