Theodosia Bartow Burr

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Theodosia: Umm . . . hello? Is anybody there?

Author: Whoops, sorry. Going into this chapter I didn't realize you just exist in the musical without a personality attached. Kinda like Sally Hemmings. And I'd really like to get into details about her but this chapter is about you. So, um, tell us about yourself. And by that I mean say what I learned about you outside of the musical on Wikipedia.

Theodosia: Oh, um, okay.  Let's see . . .  even though I was married to a British officer, I was very much indeed a Patriot and used my own home, named the Hermitage, as a meeting/resting place for the rebels. It was also briefly used as Washington's headquarters, which formed a strong friendship between me and the General himself. The very place that my husband and I used as a secret meeting place was that house. Aaron and I married after the death of my first husband.

Author: *smiles* Thank you for sharing that and thank you for your time.

Theodosia: *nods* You are very welcome.

Author: You may leave.

Theodosia: *gets up and curtsies* Farewell. *walks out*

Author: *looks at you* Ya see? Theo had a role in the revolution besides being cheating on her husband with Burr. Search it up people!

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