The night with you

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So there is something in here that is really only for 16 and up. It's not to bad but I still want to tell you. As always enjoy!!!

I heard a knock on my door and I watched as Matt walked in.

"Your lucky your hurt or I would be really mad that you just walked into my room with out me saying come in." He walked over to me and I could see that the blood was gone from his lip, and that his eye was black and blue.

"How do you feel?" I asked walking us over to my bed. He sat next to me and I listened.

"Well besides the taste of blood in my mouth and the fact that my eye looks like I put makeup on...I would say fine" I smiled. Good to know that Matt is still Matt.

"Look I'm sorry he did that. I still don't really know why he did that."

"I do. He likes you. He was mad that I was acting all fun around you and wanted to stop it. Look I get it" did Matt get all of that from a hit?

"Do you really think?"

"Yeah I do. Why else would he hit me for no reason." Matt put his hand to his head and rubbed it. I giggled but stopped.

"What do you say we watch a movie?" Matt asked

"Ok but not a scary one like last time. I had nightmares" I jumped up and got the remote from my bed.

Me and Matt must have watched 4 different movies. We talked, laughed and I cried when a sad part came. Matt would just tell me to man up.

When we got done I pushed Matt out so I could get a bath. I jumped in and washed off. I jumped into a blue silk nightgown that had black sequence on the top. I wore it with my black panties and left my hair down. I didn't know if I wanted to wear this now. I felt it showed off to much. Then again he has seen me in only a sports bra before.

I grabbed a sweat jacket that was big on me, and put it over the nightgown.

I was standing outside his door. It was now 9:20. I thought it would be a good idea to give him some time. I knocked on the door and didn't hear anything. I slowly opened the door to his room and saw how big his room was.

I walked in and closed the door still mesmerized by his room. I walked over to the bed and let my hand touch the bed. I jumped when I heard a door open and I turned to see Noah in a towel. His hair was wet and he had water dripping from it onto his skin.

I slowly looked down to see that he had a 6 pack and a v line, that I stopped following when I got to the top of the towel.

I popped my head up to see him smiling at me. I blushed and covered my eyes. I heard him chuckle and the sound of footsteps. What I didn't expect was to feel his presence in front of me. I backed up into the wall with my eyes still covered.

"Like what you saw?" He huskily said and I felt his breath on my hands.

I didn't move and felt his hands go to mine. He pulled them down so that I could now see how close he was. The water that was on his hair was dripping onto me. He has a small grin on his face and his arms were caging me in.

"U-um n-Noah what are you doing?" I tried to push myself into the wall as far as I could.

"Looking at what's mine" my body shivered when he said that. "Well can you do that with clothes on?" He chuckled and moved back a little.

"Give me a minute" he said walking off to his closet. I went and sat in his bed. I looked around not sure of what to do.

I watched as he came back out in sweatpants and a t-shirt. He walked over to me and lifted my head to look up at him.

"What am I going to do with you my Rose" I moved my legs closer together and swallowed the lump in my throat.

He looked down and I followed his gaze to my legs and saw that my nightgown was showing a little. He slowly brought his hands to the end of the jacket and pulled it up, and I let him. Why was I letting him do this. I had no control when it came to him.

He looked down at me in my nightgown and I saw his breathing pick up. Ok Juliet you can do this. Just breath. I slowly got up on my knees and looked up at him. I moved closer to him and put my hand to his chest.

"Why is your heart beating so fast?" He looked down at me with lust in his eyes.

"Because of you" he said huskily. He brought his hands up to my sides where the nightgown was cut, and where you could see my black panties. His touch was like fire on my skin. I let out a little moan when I felt his touch. He pulled me closer growling and putting his lips to my neck.

I let my head go back as he held my neck. Moaning I  moved my hands up his chest to his hair. He pulled the strap on the nightgown back and stared kissing my shoulder blade.

"Noah" I moaned when he left a little bite on my neck. I felt a growl come from his chest and squealed when he pulled my legs out from under me. He pushed me onto the bed and I grabbed his face pulling him down to kiss me. I felt his tongue brush my lips and I gladly let him in. I pushed him back and grabbed the end of his shirt because I wanted to feel his skin.

"Off" I said kissing him and I heard him chuckle as he pulled it off for me. He moved the gown up to my stomach, and he pulled my body closer to his. I felt his little friend poking out at my leg and I wanted to pull back  but he pinned me down. He was taking control again.

He had my hands pinned back with one hand and the other at my waist pulling me to him. I arched my back as he left kisses on my neck.

I felt him grind into me making me moan out loud even if I tried to contain it. He did it again and this time I brought myself up to meet him. Me moaned and brought his lips back to mine to stop another one of my moans.

He let go of my hands and I brought them down to his hair to pull on it. He grabbed my waist and pulled me back to him grinning into me even more. I moaned into his mouth and felt my head getting light. He must have saw my eyes going back because he stopped and fell next to my worn out body.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to his chest.

"I know you don't want me to go that far and I won't. Not until your ready" I snuggled closer to his chest and tried to settle my breathing. 

I can't believe I just did that. I never did anything like that to any of my boyfriends. I have only made out with them and it was nothing like that.

I felt him kiss the top of my head and pull me closer. "Go to sleep" he said and I did as I was told. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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