My Rose

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I  was watching some of the video cameras and saw that they indeed get in the fence. I watched as they grabbed Juliet. She tried to fight them but they put a cloth over her mouth. They caught her and pulled her into the car that was next to them. I had watched it 20 times now.

"Sir I don't think that will help" King said next to me. I looked at him and he backed down. I got a text and I grabbed my phone opening it.

I watched the video start off with Juliet sitting tied to a chit and a cloth around her mouth. I wanted to brake the phone. Ricky walked into the video and I saw his smirk as he grabbed her hair pulling her back.

"Hey there Noah looks like you have a nice looking lady here." He looked down at her "I would hate to See her hurt" he pulled out something from his pocket and I walked as he clicked it and a pocket knife came out.

"You know she is very pretty." Juliet looked back to the phone and I looked into her sad eyes. My love.

"You remember the money you owe me? Well you can give that to me now" he brought the knife down into her leg and I heard her cry. "Unless you would like to give me your little girl here" she cried and cried.

He grabbed her face and looked at her "I think it's a good idea now" he brought the knife back into her other leg and I felt everything in me brake. "I can't wait to get you out of this" he grabbed her shirt and I felt my blood burn.

"Well that's it for now my friend. Audios" and with that the video was over. I slammed my phone down and jumped up grabbing my coat. I grabbed my gun from the side table and put it in my holster.

"Sir I found where they are. It looks like Ricky wanted you to find him." I looked back to King to see him looking at his phone. "I'll tell the others to grab some more men and we will go get her" I walked off to the door. 

"Let's go get my rose" I said walking out of my room.

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