Chapter 1

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Authors note: hey guys thank you so much for reading this, I'm new at this, so if it's bad, soz! xx


I walk into school,

Oh my god,

Everyone's staring,

Do I look at them?

No Stacey don't, just look down at your phone screen, pretending your reading something.

I recently moved from beautiful California to Perth a month ago. Im the new girl, 3 weeks into term 1 and it's horrible. Im quite small, I have straight brown hair, brown eyes and a few freckles. I'm a pretty ordinary 17 year old teenager, you know, up to date with all the latest gossip and the electronics. We moved to perth because of my mums jobs and I am absolutely hating it so far.

Everyone is so tall, staring at me like I'm some freak.

I'm now in form and I'm seated next to this really pretty girl called laurdes I think?

I decided to start the conversation "hey"


"Do you like this school"


"I don't so far but it's pretty big"

"Yeah aha"

I think I'm being weird

Shutup Stacey!


When I get home I lay on my bed and start texting my boyfriend Aundre. We have been dating since the seventh grade but have known each other since we were like eight. He's tall with brown hair, brown eyes and tanned skin, I miss him so much!


"Hey babe, how is Australia"

" so shit"

"I'm so sorry stace, I miss you so much!"

" I miss you to :( "

I hate this so much, I just want to go home!


Apart from everything that is going on, I have a really good relationship with my mum, I basically tell her everything. I haven't seen my dad since I was 3 months old, I barely even remember him or even what he looks like, the only thing I remember is when he used to spin me around and tell me how much be loved me. Mum never talks about him anymore, it's like he just disappeared and I don't know why.

Speaking of the devil, Mum walks into my room " how was your day hunny"

"Great" * I roll my eyes*

"What happened now"

"I just miss everyone mum, I want to go back home, I have no friends, the teachers are gay and the school is so bad"

"Don't worry hun, it will get better, trust me"


I damn hope so

The New Girl ( ian somerhalder & nina dobrev - vampire diaries )Where stories live. Discover now