The Cheerful Prisoner

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I found myself gazing at the door more than I would like. It's better than staring at my younger self, I suppose, but still. I had already thought about escape for too long, have been through all my ideas. Again. I sighed, shoving my muzzled face into my hands. It was hard to tell what was worse, the torture or the sheer boredom.

The steel door slid open, grabbing my attention. A pair of robot guards could be seen escorting a ghost woman back to her cell. She had fiery orange hair that fell down below her waist. Her skin was white and her eyes were a glowing yellow with dark red and fiery oranged spots. She wore a plain white tank top and black jeans.

She winced as she was shoved forward, rolling her shoulder the best she could while handcuffed. Then she did something that no other ghost or person has or will ever do in this place. She smiled. The guards just shoved her shoulder again, making her stumble forward. "Chill out, I'm going." she said, walking to her cell on my left.

"Hi Dan!" she said cheerfully as she was shoved into the glass box. "Man I wish they would stop doing that. So who's the new kid." 

"Um, I'm ... Danny?" he said, obviously confused by the ghosts happy composer as she smiled back at him"Why ... why are you smiling?" 

"'Cause, it's either be happy or depressed, and being depressed is... well, depressing." she said, shrugging. I chuckled at her and she tried to give me a glare, failing terribly. "Anyways... I'm Flare. You've met Dan before, which, by the way, wish I could've seen that fight." She laughed at Danny's confused expression. "Me and Dan here would tell stories to pass the time. You know, before he got the muzzle." 

Danny stared at her for a moment, mind completely blank. "Uh ... Okay?" I rolled my eyes, feigning annoyance at his confusion, but I understood. I was confused, too, when I first met Flare and her unnatural optimism, but I got use to it. It was actually nice, a break from the usual pain and desperation this place seemed to radiate. Where ever she went, the mood seemed to instantly lift.

I listen to her chat about this and that, telling Danny a few stories about her human life. I couldn't help but notice that every once in a while she would give a small wince and rub her shoulder. After about the fifteenth time doing that I gave her a look of annoyed concern.

"What?" she asked me. I gave her another look, this one saying you know what. She rolled her eyes. "Okay, so my shoulders sore, that's nothing new." Then she mumbled something about stupid scientists poking at it with something painful. I sighed but didn't push.

The monsters always seemed to go easier on her then the others. anyone could see that by the lack of scars. Unlike all the other ghosts, she had only one, a harsh line reaching from her left hip up to her right shoulder and down her arm to the palm of her hand. She said it was from her first experiment, the only one involving hurting her on the outside. since then her experiments revolved around her inside, her powers. That left less scars. The other ghosts knew this as well and though they tried to hide it, he could see the jealousy and contempt they felt

"... and I started climbing the tree. My Uncle kept calling out to me. 'Be careful, Flare.', 'Don't fall now.' Those type of things. I just kept climbing higher and higher till I was so high that I felt I could touch the sky." Flare had started telling Danny a story I had heard many times before while I was thinking. I smiled as she continued. "I was laughing like an idiot, so happy to be so high up. Meanwhile Uncle is still yelling at me. 'Okay, you reached the top, now come down safely.' I thought, man, such a party pooper. I started climbing down and, wouldn't you know it? I fell. Right on my arm. Ended up breaking it.

"So now me and Uncle are in the hospital after I got my cast and we're just about to leave. I could tell he was really mad at me for not listening. So I said, 'Hey, at least you weren't climbing the tree.' He just bursts out laughing."

Danny chuckled. "Smooth."

Flare laughed. "Hey, at least he stopped being mad at me."

"True." Danny nodded. 

"You know what Danny I like you." Flare glanced around to make sure no scientists or robots were nearby. "Okay then, you can help us with this. We've got a plan on how to get out of here. Mostly it involves breaking a lot of things and causing general chaos. You in?"

a wicked smile slowly spread on Danny's face. "I'm in."

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