Chapter 5-Let's be friends

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Karas Pov

"Ready to go?" She smiled at me and I nodded all stunned at her beauty. We walked past Cat's office and she waved at me. I waved back a little emaressed when she mouthed words that looked a lot like "go and get her". We walked out of the building in silence, and I tried to figure out how to start the conversation going. I really did't know what to say. I glanced at her fast and saw her looking at me at the same time. I giggled like a little girl and looked fast down at the ground again, trying to not just let the words fly out of me. I felt emaressed  for the way I behaved, so immature. We walked through a big park with big oaks that made shadows on the path of gravel. After a while Lena stopped me and looked at me seriousness.

"Kara," She said, looking into my eyes.


"This is pretty akward, and I can feel that you don't feel comfortable. Can I maybe hug you so you and I could feel more relaxed?"

I just stared at her and let her hug me. It felt so good and I actually relaxed at her touch and tried not to feel all the emotions flow. She smelled really nice. My thoughts started to swirl around and I quickly dragged my arms back to me. We had stood like that for hours it felt like, but it was probably more like a minute. It still felt pretty akward.

Lena seemed to studie my face trying to see what I was thinking. I formed a smile when I saw her worried look.

"Well," I said and forced a laugh. And then continued with :"Shall we go?"

Lena smiled back and started talking in a very fast speed:

"I'm pretty nervous too, but could I please talk with you in privacy before we do that?" Her gaze was flacking around the park looking at some people walking a bit away.

"Uh...Yes, of course." I nervously fingered on my glasses.

We made our way over to the other side of the big sidewalk and sat on a bench. It was placed facing a little pound that was shimmering from the sun shining on it.  A big tree was standing next to the bench, beutiful with pink cherry flowers all over it. It was very quiet and peaceful. I smiled big at a little duck family making it's way past us and on their way to the pound. I moved my gaze to Lena and saw something in her eyes I couldn't read. She smiled at me with her most beautiful smile. The one that I rarely saw, the one that was so genuine. I got lost in the beauty that was her eyes, almost like their green color was shifting.

"So, the reason I wanted to talk with you in private was that I had so much to say to just you." Lena made me realize what I had been doing and looked away.

"I wanted to talk to you too actually", I said and tried to have a steady voice. My thoughts where very messy and all over the place.

"Good. Should I go first?" Lena smiled at me and I felt even more nervous. I just nodded and smiled back.

"I missed you so, so trumedusly much. I want us to be friends, you are my best friend and I don't have anyone like you in my life. These last weeks have at least of me, been so lonely and I have had to fight myself to not call you every single day. I wanted to give you your space, this could't be easy for you either. So, please Kara be my friend again."

Her words was so moving and i did't know what to say. I felt so exposed in a way I wasn't used to. I wanted so,so bad to be with Lena. In a non friendly way, which I could't. But I really wanted her back as a friend too. I had seen how boring and empty my life had been without her, and I didn't like that at all.

I realized that I had been sitting a long time thinking and looked up at Lena. She was sitting studying my face with tears running down her cheeks. I gasped and moved closer on the bench.

"Lena...." I felt my own eyes tearing up as i touched her cheek to dry away the tears. She seemed to be very uncomfortable, this emotional in public. Her gaze was flacking all the time around us. She just shook her head and hugged me. We sat like that, with me stroking her dark brown hair and her back, and she hulking in my arms. When she sat up again I saw how red and teary her face was. I felt so bad, and my own tears started to fall. Lena moved even closer and stroked them with her thumb.

"It just hurts so so bad", I sobbed and just in that moment felt pain. It was all my fault that everything was so akward and nervous. I didn't know what the boundaries was. Lena was crying a lot more now too.

"I'm so sorry Lena. It was all my fault. I just had to go and screw everything up."

"Don't". Lena now held my face in her hands.

"This is just a bump in the long road, okay? You can't help stuff like this, you can't stop it from happening." She smiled through the tears.

I felt her leaning in, her hands still cupping my face.

I froze.

Was this happening? Was she going to kiss me? Did she actually like me back? Was the things I wanted so bad actually going to happen?

She placed her forehead against mine. She breathed slowly. I felt like crying again but tried really hard not to do so.

"People are watching", she whispered after a while , and I sat up again looking around in the park. I saw someone with a dog walking past us trying not to stare. Some other people was passing in a bit away. I tried not to face Lena. She minded the fact that we where in public a lot more than I did. She had more reason to do so too than me, but still I felt like those people was't important at all.

Lenas Pov

Kara's facial expression could tell me that she was so hurt. I felt so bad for making her feel like that. I hated the fact that we were in public and people actually stared at us. I angrerly stared back at the people watching in the other side of the park. Sure, they where just passing, but still. I suddenly felt my stomach hurl and I took Kara's hand carefully squeezing it. She looked up at me once again and her eyes were so sad. She looked like a sad cute little puppy.

"I'm starving. Should we maybe go and have that lunch?" I gazed at my clock on the wtist, realizing I did'nt have much time to the next meeting.

She nodded and we let go of etch others hands. It felt kind of good holding her hand, now it felt empty. Just like when Kara was't in my life, I thought to myself.

We walked to our diner place we usually went to. We walked in to the cozy place and ordered. When we sat at our regular table, placed near the big windows you could look out over the stores on the other side. We had just hungrily starting to eat our food when Alex and Maggie walked in. Kara did't seem to see them, she was to occupied to eat potstickers. Crying really brings out the appetite I guess. They saw us and waved. I waved back, whit Kara still not notiching anything but the food. They ordered and then walked over to our table.

Alex sneaked up behind Kara and then fast placed her hands on her sister's back. Kara screamed and jumped a little on her black chair. Alex laughed out loud and Maggie and I was giggling at the sisters. Kara seemed a little angry but that washed away when Alex told her that she ordered more potstickers to her. I adorably watched them interact with etch other. They joined us at the table eating their lunch.

They invited me to their dinner party  at their place the next evening and I gladly accepted it, finally feeling a little happy. This was what I wanted. Family that did't hate one another. Kara seemed to be a lot happy too, smiling at me with food in her mouth. I watched her talk to Alex and Maggie not realizing I was staring at just her, watching her body movement as she talked. After a long while Kara tried to talk to me and I just kept stare into her eyes.


I woke up from the paralyze trying not to look too embarrassed. I felt my cheeks burning and I just thought about how I had been stuck in her eyes. I tried to listen to what they were saying but had a hard time not to think about a lot of questions that had started to pop up in my head. It was bad enough that I had been crying in public, now I made a foul out of myself in front of people I tried to become friends with. We finished our food and I said goodbye to everyone, huggning Kara thight and then hurried back to my office with only one thought in my head. Why would I look at Kara that way?


Hi! sorry for the late update, I have been occupied with school starting again. Hope you liked it, feel free to leave a comment for thoughts or feedback! :)

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