Chapter 10-Room 298

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Karas Pov

I don't think I ever been this scared my entire life.

The tightness in my chest, the headache and the haunting thoughts from earlier was really painful. I sat in the waiting room in one of the uncomfortable red chairs in the big hospital. The only thing I could think about right now was Lena.

The confusion when she showed up at my apartment outside my door at 2 am, really really drunk, the scary panic when she fell to the floor. 

The fact that I felt my heart literally, brake. Seeing her in that fragile state, like another person, was so hurting. I was so used to see her strong and powerful, not weak or obey for anyone. I have had seen her fragile before, and I knew it was hard for her to show that to people. 

I just had a reflex and picked her up, flied to the hospital, carefully holding her petite head. She was totally unconscious, her hands hanging in the wind and completely relaxed in her body.

We had arrived at the hospital several hours ago, and I had not left her side once until they kicked me out. I took a seat in the waiting area, checking with the nurse every ten minuets to see if I could meet Lena. After a while I think the nurse got annoyed, because he told me to sit down until she was ready, so they could go and get me. I had with panic called Alex, but she was not available, working this night, so I had to call Maggie. She had fortunately been home, and was  on the way over here. I sat there, flinching at every noise, tapping my foot and looking around all the time.

When I saw Maggie coming through the big glass doors I jumped up and waved. She walked over and looked very concerned at me.

"Are you alright? Is Lena alright?"

"N-no", I said with a tick voice. My eyes started to water and I was shaking because of how scared and intense this actually was for me.

Maggie folded her arms around me and hugged me tight. We hugged for several minutes until she felt that I was more relaxed. I was crying on her hair and shirt but she did't seem to care. I was still shaking a bit when we sat down and I tried to explain what had happened.

"L-lena showed up.." I said hulking a little.

"At this time?" She looked at the watch over on the other wall, reading 2.57.

"Y-yeah. She was drunk." I finished the sentence taking a deep breath in and out, trying to stop shaking my voice.

"And then she-she fell down and hit her head." I continued.

"She became unconscious and I could't get any contact from her."

 Maggie stroke my back, trying to calm me. 

We sat there small talking  for an hour. It was really nice of her to show up like this, in the middle of the night. I liked Maggie a lot, and could not think of a better person for my sister. 

Maggie's phone started to ring, and she picked up, talking to the other person for a while. 

"Im so sorry Kara, but I have to go. I'm on call , and they really need me." She said, smiling forgivingly after hanging up. 

"Oh, yes of course." 

We stood up, hugging each other.

"I really appreciate you coming here Maggie. It really means a lot to me." 

"'Course I came! We're family now Kara," She said smiling with her brown eyes.  

She left the hospital, leaving me in the waiting room, alone once again.

 I sat and fooled around with strands of my hair, when the nurse walked over and stood in front of me. 

"You can see her now." He said with a tired voice when I looked up at him. 


He lead me through a big white corridor, before stopping outside a door with the sign "298". The room was small, with white walls, a little window and the hospital bed placed with the head side to one of the walls, but otherwise standing in the middle of the room. I looked at the brown headed laying in the bed. 

She seemed to be sleeping, and I looked at the nurse who was standing in the doorway. 

"Should I page her doctor? I guess you have questions." He said holding a pager blipping on it. 

I only nodded, not tearing my gaze from Lena. 

Her face was really pale, and in her arm she had a tube giving her infusion. Her hair  was messy and she was wearing white hospital clothes. 

I stood there, paralyzed, just watching her chest raise and sink. 

She was alive.

I know it probably was a little silly, but I really thought there was a possibility that she would be dead. That happens. People die.

 And when you're Supergirl, it happens more often. At least it feel like that. 

Someone came into the room, and I forced myself to look away from Lena. The female doctor who stood there smiled kindly at me. She was dressed in blue work cloths and a white coat. 

"Hi there, you must be Kara?" She said looking down in her papers. 

"Um, yeah." I said, not knowing what to ask first. And how did she know my name? 

"Miss Luthor is doing fine now, but she had alcohol poisoning. Her heart stopped two times here in the hospital, and now we're giving her infusion to detox the alcohol from her blood. Her x-ray showed that she has a weak heart, and therefor needs to start taking medication for it. She has a minor concussion from hitting her head, and needs to stay for another day for supervision. When she can leave, she has to have someone taking care of her." 

It was a little too much to  take in on only some minutes. I nodded at the doctor who then continued:

"I guess you'll be the one who looks after her when she can go home?"

"Yeah, I-I guess so, is there someone written down as her contact person?" I did't thought that she would have her parents as contact persons, but someone else maybe. 

"Yes, you're Kara Danvers, right? That is who she's written down as contact person."

"Oh... Yes thats me." 

"I will leave you two alone. I'll check in with her in the morning." She said leaving us. 

I looked over at the brunette laying in the bed. I was stunned. Did she really have me as her contact person? If something would happen to her, I was the one they would contact? I've never thought that she actually really did't have anyone else. For me it was no doubt that I had Alex. But Lena only had me? I actually never thought of it like that. 

I walked over and dimmed the light, and sat on the end on the bed. She was still sleeping. I lied down beside her on my side. I watched her eyelashes flutter, but she did't open her eyes. 

I watched her sleep for hours. How her nose wrinkled sometimes, how she snored adorably.  I fell asleep myself after a while, when I finally could relax a little. 


Hi guys!! Im so so so sorry for the delay of the chapters! The internet has not been working. So expect another chapter within only a couple of days! :)) IThank you for reading, and of course leave a comment or feedback! Hope you all have a great weekend! 

I just have to add, shout out to my best lil nugget who helped me. luv u. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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