Chapter 8-Confusion and anger

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Karas Pov

The next day I woke up in my big bed very confused. My eyes fluttered at the sunlight which came in trough the widow right into my face. I I sat up, instantly regretting my decision. When I lifted my head to sit up, it felt like it split in two, like kind of a radiant pain. I slowly putted my head down on the soft pillows again. I sighed. I tried to remember drinking the amount of alcohol that would leave me in this condition, hating the thought of losing control that way.

Sure, i've had a few drinks, like maybe 2? or was it more like 6? Uugh! I could't remember. How did I even come home? I remembered sitting in a dark bad smelling car, probably a taxi. I had all these great superhuman powers, but could't remember something so simple as unlocking my door, or undressing. 

 I rolled over to the other side, witch was cold. I stared out of my window. It looked to be a beautiful day. The leaves where starting to turn red or yellow and the sun was brightly shining. It was late september , but still warm outside. The city was awake and moving and I watched the people waking on the sidewalks chatting with one another. 

Suddenly an plinging sound came from the living room. It was the doorbell.  I felt a small pinch of panic, knowing that today was not my day. If I had to go on a mission it would not go great. I sloppy crawled out of bed, holding my forehead trying to massage out the pain. I stopped in my tracks and looked down on my body. I realized I had just underwear on and svoched into my bedroom closet, putting on a pair of pyjama pants and a black t-shirt.

I walked back quietly over the wooden floor with my bare feet, not knowing if I wanted to open the door. Depending on who would stand there of course.

I peeked out of the little hole in the door and studied the person outside. Today I felt so slow and I did't understand who it was until they turned to the side and started to walk away. I opened the door slowly and stepped out in the hallway.

"Hi Lena? What are you doing here this early?" My voice was raspy and reveled that I had not been up for long.

"Hi Kara." She smiled. She looked beautiful, as always, wearing black pants and a blue shirt, with her hair in a bun and some red lipstick. I myself was standing there with my hear all messy and a green pjyamas on.

"Is this a bad time?" She looked me up and down.

"I kind of wanted to talk to you," She said when I shook my head.

"Really? What is it" I felt a little concerned, since yesterday night was mostly a blur.

"Could I come in?"

"Yeah, of course," I said walking into the apartment, hanging up her coat on the side of the door. When i turned around she had already make herself at home sitting down at the kitchen island. I joined her in the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. It was not much there, and I was brutally hungry. I turned around once again and looked at Lena who had been watching me the entire time.

"So...," I said feeling a little bit awkward.

"Yeah.." Lena smiled at me with her eyes sparkling. I felt a little sting in my chest, just because she was so stunning.

"I had fun last night." Lena seemed to become a little nervous.

"Yeah it was fun, however I for one can't recall a thing that happened after dinner," I laughed and looked over at Lena who stared at me with the most seriousness in her face I ever seen.

"Maybe I should't had drank so much " I said with my smile fading when I saw her face.

"What??" she shrieked.

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