Chapter 3 The Calm Before the Storm

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Collen Ripper (the principal)

Carter's POV:

The day ended quick and mother waited for me outside like she had said in the morning, the dead cold look still frozen on her old but beautiful face. I could feel the dread in the pit of my stomach as I climbed into the front seat that sat next to her. ",We're you a good boy today, pet? ," She asked bitterly as she pulled onto the road as we started making our way home, ",yes mother, I fo-followed your rules," I whimpered softly, I tried to say it with confidence, but all that came out was a forgiveness looking whimper, I knew she would pick up my whimpers as a sign, she'd find out of my lie and lock me up, I know lying was a sin but I didn't want to be locked in that room! It was so dark! It felt crushing and breathless in there, it made me terrified of the simple darkness that consumed it, locked away from the world, with only that item lit up! I didn't want that! ",That's good pet," she said simply as we pulled into our driveway. She looked at me for a second before opening her car door, stepping out of the car and slamming the door behind her making me flinch. I followed suit and shut the door softer as to try to make as little sound as possible. I followed mother inside and watched her lock the door behind her. She then turned to me and told me to go to my room and not to come out till dinner was ready, I nodded and headed up to my room, slowly walking up the stair, trying to avoid the squeaky steps that echoed through the house, announcing my presence in this hell whole.

I sat on my bed with a sigh once I had shut my door and dropped my bag. I covered my mouth as I pulled out the book cover of my book that was destroyed, I had gone back for the cover after everyone had left and hid it in my bag. I held the book in my free hand as fresh tears ran down my face, was this what school was like? Was this what I would face if I went everyday? How did others handle this? I sobbed as I held the cover close to my chest, trying to keep myself as morned my only gift.

I forcefully pulled back into reality as mother knocked on my door. In sudden shock I hid my book cover in my bag and kicked it under my bed, as I stood, hiding my hands behind my back and looked down as I whimpered out a 'come in'. Mother slowly opened the door and shut it behind her when she walked in, the look on her face soft and remorseful as tho she knew what I was upset about. ",Come here pet, give your mother a hug," I rushed over to her almost instantly and started to sob my eyes out. ", I'm So Sorry Mother!," I cried, all my emotions running wild in my chest. Why did everything hurt so much! Why did he look at me like that! Why did they shun me without even talking to me! Why did this rejection hurt more then God's rejection!

",I had told you pet, you should of listened," She patted my head as I sob, it was so painful. So, so painful. I started to breath faster as my chest started aching like I was being stabbed over and over again, my body shook as the pain grew and grew. I cling to mother for dear life as whimpers and yelps started to slip out of my mouth. I must of been holding too tight cause mother suddenly hit me off her and backed away from me, when my body it the floor it was like smashing a flower pot, the pain shot through my body like a rapid river running through my veins, muscles and bone. I gasped as my throat slowly opened and closed on its own, like my own body was trying to kill me. I curled up in a ball screaming and crying out in pain as mother left the room, but to my relief she came back. The look on her face made me feel safe, she had a worried look and tears welled up in her eyes, a weak pained ridden smile curled onto my lips. Mother was worried, she was worried about me! I felt a slight spark of love in my heart as I closed my eyes. But it was when I felt a worm liquid drip down to my weak form, I looked up at her pained and confused, my mother held a bottle of holy and a cross in her hands. I could feel my heart shatter as she screamed ",DIE YOU DEMON! GO BACK TO HELL WHERE YOU BELONG!!,".
I uncurled my body and slowly curled over to her, tears dripping from my eyes as tho my body was getting rid of the water inside my body, ", Mo-Mommy! H-Help Me! Please Help Me," I screamed as the pain got worse. But all she did was run down the hall way to that door, she unlocked it and swung it open with a Bang! She then looked me dead in the eye, her composure returning as she stalked over to me slow and painfully. ",I new it," She muttered ",I new I should have left you to-," a knock at the front door stopped mother as all the color drained from her face, another knock was heard from the door and mother wasted no time to grab me and practically throw me in that room. Too weak to move or make a sound I just lay there, giving in to the pain and torment that my body riping into my body. She shut the door and locked it. I laughed at myself, how stupid could I be? mother always did this, she was scared, scared of me. Tears ran down my cheeks as my eyes burned, I curled up and whimpered as the pain kept sky rocketing, but what else was I to do?

Oris Pov:

After I got out of my Black Honda civic and locked it, I ran a cover over the files I was handed by my captain. Lisa Evens was the woman's name, she was 21, she was a grads student but other then basic info there wasn't much anyone knew about her, she was a shut-in and rarely left her house, her husband had left 2 years ago on a business trip and was due back in a year. And it said nothing about her having a son or relatives living with her, and even if it did, why did she hide Carter for so long? The whole thing was a big pile of crazy, not to mention my in wolf was going crazy at the scent of this house.

I walked up to the door, about to knock when I heard a scream and crying of a young man. What was happening?! I listened as the whole ordeal uncovered its self. Was Carter in pain? Was it his mother or? I looked up at the moon that was no where to be seen. This stuck worry in me, pups rarely felt a new moon, but if they were close to their first shift then......fuck! I needed to get in there. I knocked on the door hard as to be heard over the crying and scream, but as soon as I took my hand away everything went quiet, I knocked once more and I heard a loud Bang and a door slam. What was going on in this house?

Lisa soon came to the door and opened it, sweat dripping down her face and her dark brown hair either messy hanging around her head or suck to her face by the sweat. ",Wh-What seems to be the problem sir," She asked as she tried to regain her breath. ", I'm hear to talk to Carter, mind if I come in?," I look her in the eye, I had a very bad feeling about this woman, I felt the anger and hatred flow off her like she was a deadly flower. ",Carter? He's busy right now," She said blocking my way. ",It will only take a minute," I counted, ",Sir I'd much prefer you don't disturb him he-," ",Miss Evens, your record alone has show that we can't trust you to keep up to date with the people in your household, I simply want to cheek that you have nothing else to hide," I cut her off.

With much distaste clearly showing on her beautiful face, she moved for me to come in, ",Please make yourself at home, I'll go make you some tea," she said kindly through gritting teeth. What was she hidding? And was it so bad to have to hide from the the cops and social services.
",So where is Carter?," I asked as a big wiff of a stressed pup scent hit me hard, he was in pain and using the last of his scent to call out, he most likely had srceamed out in pain so much that he screamed his throat raw. I needed to find him before either his body gave way or he shifted, and he needed to be out in the woodland not in a cramped room, it would effect his wolf's mental state if he changed here.

Oris! I can smell him! He calling for help! Tramp, my wolf snarled as his mind and my mind interlocked for a split second, the clock was ticking, if I didn't find Carter Tramp would.

",Miss Evens, I don't think you understand how important it is for me to see your son," my composer was breaking, this house seemed to hold a certain 'fear' in its walls for the feeling it was giving off.
She was about to speak again when aloud bang coming from up stairs shook the house, Miss Evens trembled in fear as she dropped the cup she was holding, worry coming over me more then fear, he was close! With no second thoughts I ran up the stairs full force, leaving the stunned and shocked miss Evens alone.
I followed the banging to a abnormally small door at the end of the hallway from the stairs, I stared at it before jumping from another bang that came from the same door, snarls and growls also coming from the door. Fuck!
I rushed to the door only to find that it was locked, locked?! Who locks a kid up!? This door was clearly locked from the outside from the look of the large locket that hung from the door chain. Pissed and not having the time to deal with the locket I grabbed it and ripped it off the door, part of the upper part of the door flying off with it. With the little light that shines from the broken door, all I could see was a empty room with no more but a small table deeper in, but I couldn't quite see what was on it and I didn't really care, all that went through my mind was to find Carter and get him out of here. I was about to step into the room when I felt worm liquid run down my shoulder, looking at it I grit my teeth, fuck, out of time.

Really short chapter this time, but please dare with it for now ^^'





And enjoy~!

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