Chapter 2 First day First Class

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I followed close behind the principal like a dog following his master on his way to a park, tho I wasn't as excited as a dog would of been and the principal didn't display any signs to a happy owner, the way he held himself and his scent, why did he smell like that anyway? What was that smell? The scent it self smelt of oak and evergreens with a slight hint of nuts, all in all like Autumn? Not that I new what any of that smelt like. But I remembered this smell, it was familiar to me......or maybe it was just all the smells getting to my head.

",Yo Dad!," A guy from behind us called as he ran up to us ",Tydo wanted to see you," the guy said with a semi joking and semi serious tone.

",So soon?," The principal muttered, slightly shocked, crossing his arms.

",The man's good with his hands," the young man chuckled to himself, wiggling his eyebrows.

",Fine, I'm on my way now," he sighed, ignoring the dirty joke the guy I took to be his son, had clearly just blurted out, ",could you do me a favour and help here, Carter to his first class, it's HSC in Mr Todd's class,", ",Yikes, sucks to be him" The guy replied suddenly, earning a glare from the principal,
",I mean, heh let's go kid," the guy suddenly called as he grabbed my arm.
In a shock induced reflects a zap that ran from my mind to my finger caught him off guard, causing him to pulled back with a Yelp as I backed up holding my hand that had zapped him ",The Fuck Was That Dude?!,". I started to hyperventilate as panic started to crawl up my legs into my chest. I could feel my blood boiling in me, all the hairs on my neck stood as my eyes started to slowly aching, which meant one thing, my eyes had changed again. I tried to cover my eyes in one quick motion before anyone noticed, the only thoughts running through my mind seemed to only be ,'Mother was going to be so mad! She was gonna lock me in that room again if they told her!! I hated that room! I needed to hide until they went away!', and I wasn't wrong.
But the adorning thought of not knowing where anything was nor if others would notice.

",S-Sir, I-I think I got something in my eye, c-could I go wash it out?," I whimpered, playing it off.

",No need, show me, it's probably just an eyelash," the principal said calmly as I heard him get closer.

",N-No really sir, it hurts," I begged as I backed away.

He stop as he remained silent for a moment before he sighed and told his son to help me to the boy's bathroom, I could hide in there till it was gone and pretend I just, in fact, had a eyelash in my eye.

It didn't take long for us to arrive at the boy's toilets, and less for me to get in and pretend to wash out my eyes. As I was doing so I could feel an intense stare on my back, like the feeling you'd get when a wild animal was hunting you, watching you, waiting for you to run into its trap. I didn't like that feeling at all, neither did the demon.

",You can drop the act, your not even convening," the guy said annoyed, a sting of announce lit in me as well as I glared at him through the mirror, to which, thanks to my luck, my eyes had change back to normal.

",Yellow eyes huh? That's some scary stuff, you a monster or something," the guy smirked at his comment, like he knew more then he was letting on. I was taken aback by his comment.

",My mother said the same thing," I muttered softly before washing my face and leaving the boy's toilets, ignoring the strangely mad face he showed as I walked past him. He soon met me outside the toilets as well, but hurried, ",your mother's human?!," He looked shocked, placing a hand on my chest to stop me. ", Yes?," I replid staring at him strangely, weren't we all? ",She is a child of God," I replied bitterly, this boy was, how you say, a pain in the ass?, and we only just met, talk about bad first impressions.
",Child of God?," he laughed bitterly ",that's some bullshit," he said gritting his teeth, ",they are no more then murderers." I looked at him shocked, did he call my mother a murderer?! She never lay harm upon another person. She only ever punished me for the demonic being inside of me when it did bad things, if she didn't it would take control of me and drag me to hell, was that a bad thing? No! She was a good person! Doing what she needed to.

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