Chapter 1 Mother Knows Best

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Carter Whitten - (hush Heta fans, I know this is Alfred F Jones, Carter does not have the same personality, just using this picture's look, since Carter look similar to him, without the cow lick) - credit to artist

I sat on my bed as mother towered over me with a glare that scared me to death and back. I knew why she was mad and kept my head lowered at the sound of her sighs of disappointment and anger, staring at the ground like the dirt under her self worthy feet. I knew what was coming, tho I wanted dearly to think otherwise or to run away and scream for help, even tho I knew it clearly wouldn't help me at all. It would just make mother more mad at me and force her to use more force to restrain my frightened form.

",Raise your head, pet," Mother's ice cold voice echoed through the room like a whisper into the darkness, being as soft as it was, you'd of thought that she was just telling me to get up in a soft apologetic voice like a loving mother to her dear child, but I knew my mother, she wasn't being nice, she was threatening my very being. Breathing a sigh of annoyance she snapped ",To your feet pet," I shot up quickly at command, my body shaking as nothing it could already fill the horror and fear of what this lead to.

",Come," She said as she swiftly left my room and started down the dark hallway a smile plastered on her face, as tho she was doing a noble deed to the people of this world. I followed suit, making sure I made no noise or touched any of the items and objects that sat on the small tables that hugged the walls of the hall, knowing mother would not approve of my dirty, unholy hands touching any of her clean and untainted items.
Mother stopped at a small door at the end of the hall and smiled bitterly as she unlocked the door with a click, the sound ringing through the empty house that once held loving memories for both me and mother, where had those days gone.
My body shook as small whimpers dripped from my frighten lips, my body edging back by itself but also not moving in fear mother would yell again, or worse, hit me.

",," I whimpered as the 'click' of the door opening echoed through the hall and in my frightened ears, showing she had opened the door.

",In," mother said simply once she had opened the door fully ",It's for the best,"

",M-Mother, pl-pleas-," I started but was cut off by her hitting me hard on the head with the 'Holy Rod' she kept next to the door, the rod was similar to a walking stick but had 'Sin Killer' written on it, if I wasn't in so much pain or fear around the house I would laugh at the words. The hit made me stumble abit, giving mother the time to quickly push me into the small room that showed little to no light, no window, nothing, just pure darkness. Mother followed in with a rather thick candle and walked over to the far side of the room in haist as tho afraid. She came to a stop near what looked to be a table and I felt my heart drop at what was on it. Holy crosses and trinkets that were considered holy items. One of the items standing in the middle of the table made my skin crawl as she got closer to it. The item showing a man hanging on a cross. I had seen this man and cross around the house before. There had been times that I had felt sad for him and wanted to stop his pain, take the nails out of his hands and help him off the cross. But looking at him now made me scared as the candle lit up his face, it seeminy full of disappointing and anger, as tho he was coming after me, to punish me for my sins.

",Ask him for forgiveness pet, pray and ask the holy father for his forgiveness," Mother said sweetly as she looked at the cross with love and admiration, but you could tell that bitterness hid behind the soft tone ",Or does the demon inside you stop you from coming closer," she glared at me, the soft glow of the candle lighting up half her face, making her features seem more menacing.

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