Chapter 3: Fix Her

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Staring into those icy blue eyes din't feel right, it was too.. cold to be her, it couldn't be Claire, it was wrong. It wasn't just hurt in her eyes, it was pure hate as she glared daggers and Jennifer who in return, did the same.  "C'mon Claire, don't snap and ruin the plan.." Lisa mumbled, tugging on Claire's arm, making her nod and keep walking. It was too different, last week I thought I saw Claire, my Claire, admitting she was wrong and smiling about it, not having a bitch-off with the queen bitch of the school. Caleb sigh besides her, undoing the braid he had done and doing it again, set on making the perfect braid, and with the attitude Claire seemed to have, I  was surprised she hadn't snapped, but then again, there was traces of old Claire there, though she din't see it.. or want to see it.

"I .. uh, have to set some stuff with teachers, kay guys?" Claire murmured, pushing back through us and away from the halls. "Kain.." I glanced at Lisa who motioned for me to follow, "I know this affected her, her dads still sensitive to her" I nodded and headed after her ripping off the disgusting 'like father like daughter' posters stuck to the wall, obviously edited pictures of her father and her but it was there and that was enough. "Claire?" I asked looking around at the last hallway where id lost her, no exits in site, just the.. janitors closet.

I'd never liked the sight of Claire crying, and I have seen her cry quite a lot of times, mostly back when she was dating Aaron, Jennifer's pressure and insults crushed her, though she kept quiet , in fear of loosing Aaron. "Clai-" I started trying to pull the door open, "leave me alone" She sobbed, pushing it close, "C'mon, its not like i haven't seen you cry before, can I come in?" I stuck my head in, taking in the horribly smell of bleaches and trashcans that had to be washed by our lazy ass janitor.

I eased the door open , slipping in and closing it behind myself, "im not like him" Claire choked out, covering her face with her hands as more sobs escaped her lips, "I know , baby girl, Jennifer's just being a bitch" I reached out, pulling her into a hug that she surprisingly accepted, "Ive kinda noticed" Claire scoffed and shook her hair. "Do you think its bad that I.." she trailed off, but I knew what she meant, "No, you have a right to hate her, just don't lose yourself in the process, more than you already have"  I stared down to Claire, her cheeks stained with tears and make up, glassy ice-blue eyes staring wide-eyed up at me, and again I saw the old Claire. "I already did, I cant find myself" she finally whispered wiping the tears away, "there's nothing I can do about it, there's so much glass you can pick up until you cut your fingers enough to quit" I sigh, wiping the remaining tears away. "I liked the old Claire"  thought out loud, a soft smile set on her lips, "me too" she nodded and let out a long sigh, "but I like this Claire too, you're more...real." I added, not wanting her to take it the wrong way, " A real bitch is what I am, thanks Kain.. but I got some revenge to get ahead on" I chuckled as she walked out, closing the door behind her and left me in the dimness of the stinky janitors closet.

This definitely wasn't the old Claire I use to have a secret crush on for being perfect, she was completely opposite, broken, still I couldn't shake off the want to just try to fix her, no make her who she was but , at least stop her pain.

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