Chapter One: Cheater Cheater

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In my whole life, I've only learned two mayor things. One, whenever everything is perfect and there's no doubt something bad will happen, something horrible happens. Two, forgive and forget is impossible, misery fills you're heart until you finally get revenge.

Now most of you are thinking 'wow, he broke her heart , big deal' but no, he dint just break my heart, he stabbed me in the back, embarrassed me, and worse of all, kicked me when I was down, and he knew it. I can handle insults, I can handle a broken heart, but what I cant handle is the pain he made me go through, and the fact that he walked away as if nothing.

                                                             ~_~ Flashback  ~_~

" I still dont get it.."

I sigh and shook my head, " You'll understand when you're older, Amy, just wait" Amy rolled her eyes and pouted at me, "so Ames, are you excited for your skating trip with Claire?" mom and dad couldn't come and Kim was busy at a piano recital. "Yeah , grammy, I thought id be bored since three sour apples dint join. " I rolled my eyes as she pouted and crossed her arms, "Ames, we'll have cake with them when we get back, yeah? now put your seat-belt on right" I leaned over, strapping her in better, her being the sneaky one to not click it in since it made her feel 'trapped'.

"Bossy meanie" I smiled at Amy but shook my head, "shush it, im your sister, im allowed to worry" I answered, sitting back straight as grandma went through a another bump, swerving a little, "Grams, you okay?" I asked, making her turn to look at me and roll her eyes, "Claire-bear calm down, im 70 and ive never  been in an accident. chill out"  I snorted, "did Kim teach you that word?" I asked, watching as she shrugged, eyes on the road again, "maybe" she admitted.

"That was so much fun! thanks Claire-bear" I grinned watching Amy jump in her seat happily on our back from grandma's house. "You're welcome baby girl" She stuck her tongue, "im already 11 so stop calling me baby" She whined, 'proving' her point, "never" I laughed .Getting back home was weird, not hearing a word from Aaron was weirder, he was usually sweet and called ever day, but I wont complain, hes been amazing.

"MA! DAD! We're home!" I called walking through the slightly larger than normal house, "Claire baby!" I froze as mom wrapped me in her arms, crying into my shoulder, "Amy lets go.." Kim mumbled, pulling a confused Amy out with her. " Mom , whats wrong?" I asked, rubbing her back slowly and stroking her hair in hopes if calming her down. "Your-your father and I.. we're getting divorced..he cheated on me and-" she broke into sobs, but thats all I had to hear. "we're leaving, after you finish this school year, we're going far away" I watched my mother cry in my arms, completely broken , and the fact that I had a boyfriend and friends to leave behind didn't matter, "Okay mom, just calm down, he wasnt worth it, he doesnt deserve you.." I whispered soothingly as her sobs died down into hiccups.

"Hey , I gotta talk to you" I mumbled, low enough for just both of us to hear in the crowded hallway. Aaron nodded, lips pushed in a thin line , "yeah , i have to talk to you too" I knitted my eyebrows together, had he heard? I dint think gossip traveled so fast. "I-Im moving.." I choked out, fighting back my trembling voice, though surprisingly he just shrugged. "Oh hey there Clairy-boo" I raised an eyebrow as Jennifer smiled and me and wrapped her arms around Aaron's neck, pulling him for a kiss, his arms wrapping around her waist as he kissed back."You-you" I choked out, my throat burning, heart racing in chest , my stomach tightening and I just couldn't break, I felt sick but the shattering feeling inside me told me it wasnt any sort of sickness. "I guess you daddy isnt the only one that cheats, huh claire-bear?" Tears rushed to my eyes as Jennifer smile triumphantly, they knew, he knew.

I spent the last two days of school taking the test privatly, telling my mom I dint care for what happened, trying to be the strong one while I felt like a glass statue. The last day of school, we were gone, mom came to get me from school and I was gone for the airport, only saying goodbye to one friend, the only friend I considered , Lisa. "Be strong baby girl" She hugged me, kissed my cheek, and I was gone, just not forever.

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