Chapter 2.2

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I fell through the curtains and landed on my face in a brightly colored kitchen.


Fran jumped in surprise and she was just putting a pot over the stove when she saw me. "Faye?" Fran said, cautiously, walking slowly over to the counter that I was currently sitting on. Upon closer inspection, the counter was streaked in blood. I sat up, holding my head, still dizzy from the fall. 

"Fran? Is that --"

Before I could finish my sentence, Fran grabbed my waist and started crying. "I missed you! I thought you wouldn't be able to escape!"

"Shush, it's okay," I said, ruffling her silky hair. My jet black hair could never compare to these reddish brown locks. "I'm here now. And look, I have your pills."

Fran gasped, smiling. "Yes, I left them specifically for you! I'm so happy you figured it out," she paused, smiling even bigger. "I found Mr. Midnight, and Snow too! Our little kitties!"

I laughed. That was the funniest thing I'd heard all day, and someone called me royalty too. "Oh, that's good, Fran."

"Faye, I-I'm serious."

"Wha?" Okay, this is impossible. Snow ran away, what... 2-3 years ago? And Mr. Midnight? I haven't seen him since the tragedy. Creepy that we would find them here, of all places. "Where are they? Are they okay?"

"No," she said, sadly. "They're trapped in a gold cage held by these two mean twins. And they told me..." she trailed off.  What? Told her her what? "They told me that if I don't complete this ritual for them, they'll kill him."

"Well that doesn't seem very logical, considering the last person who got between you and your cat was cut in half."

"How did you know that?"

"Uh, lucky guess? The ant told me..?" Lie. The ant was asleep the whole time. The only words he spoke where "I WILL EAT THE MEAT!", and that hardly helped me figure out how the beetlepig had died.

Fran cried and tears slowly trickled down her rosy cheeks. "Don't listen to them," I told her. "Let me see that."

The head of a young virgin? What kind of paper is this? Yeah, m'kay, no young virgins being sacrificed tonight. Like Fran even knows what that means. Nope. She is not doing this ritual. "Have you tried the pills here yet?" Fran shook her head gently as she took back the ritual paper. "It's going to be okay."

"If you say so, Faye," Fran said, placing all of her trust in me. I felt like a big lie. I had slapped her only hours ago, and yet she was so forgiving. She didn't bring it up. I can't believe I ever thought I didn't need this sweet, sweet girl. She was the very thing that kept me hanging on. "You can hide upstairs in the attic. That's where our kitties are."

I nodded and kissed Fran's forehead before watching her go. Sneakily, I began to creep up to the attic. But just before I pulled down the ladder, I hear two voices yelling. Unlike the voice that tempted me into doing wrong, these were distant, yet near at the same time. They seemed to be coming from below me. These voices were two different emotions - angry and sad. Yet both of them were mad.

"What's the point of her doing the ritual, Mia?" the angry voice asked. "We both know she'll die!"

I gasped. The ritual wasn't safe. I had to do something. "Clara! God, this is what I hate about you. You're so negative, I-I just wish we could get along..." the sad voice trailed off.

"This is the only chance we have to get revenge on Itward."

I T W A R D .

That name. It's familiar. I've blurted it out twice. Itward is a person. But who? What? What did he do to these girls that could possibly make them resent each other so much?

Faye's Prophecy: A FranfictionWhere stories live. Discover now