
23 1 0

come one, come all!
I'm so glad you could join me on my journey of emotional train wrecks and fluttery feelings, I welcome you.

before you read on, I'd like to mention that I make "reflections" at the bottom of every poem I write, whether it be right after I finish writing the poem or months later, I'll always write a reflection. I prefer to do it long after I've written my poems, just so the reflection is an actual reflection from a different time or different state of being, when I can actually explain what I was feeling, why I was feeling it, my thoughts on it, and maybe how I'm feeling now (like right now I feel pretty good). so make sure to look back for those, or forget about them lol I do that too

anyway, thank you for everyone's support in this, I appreciate it with so much of my heart.
gracias, te amó así mucho, <3

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