Undeniable [11]

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Before we start, y'all seemed confused about Ricky calling Kian, Tyler. He did that because Tyler calls Ricky, Tricky Licky Sticky etc, Ricky, so he was like doing a thing and yeah. Hopefully that cleared things up. ON WITH THE STORY!

Chapter Eleven

Kian's P.O.V.

We sit together, on the floor, around the small foot table near our couch, eating our Chipotle. I want to talk to him, but I don't know how to approach it.

I try to form sentences in my head, but the words get jumbled up, and fall apart.


"I'll be back." I tell Ricky. That is the only complete sentence I've managed all night.

I get up, and walk the short difference to Connors room. I shake more and more each step I take.

I slowly open his door, and peek my head in. "What would you like Connor?" I ask harshly.

He gets up from his desk, and walks over to me. He places his hands gently on my waist.

"About that kiss. We really shouldn't tell Joey and Ricky about this," he places a kiss on my  forehead, "But we really should continue what ever is going on here," another kiss is put on my nose, "Because I really like you." his lips press against mine, and we kiss.

"We can't keep this up. I like Ricky too much to throw it all away." I tell him sternly as I back up to the door.

"Do not tell Ricky."

I nod my head and run out.

When I get back into the living room, I can only imagine what I look like.

My eyes popping out of my head, cheeks bright red, I look like a mess.

"Are you okay Kian?" Ricky asks, feeling my head with his head.

"I'm fine, I just don't feel to well." I lie to him.

"If you don't feel well, then go lay down. I need to go out and do some stuff anyway." he tells me.

"Okay. You can go do that, I'll just lay here for a little bit." I yawn, and lay across the couch.

"I'll be back soon. Don't be too sick." Ricky kisses my forehead, gathers his stuff, and heads out the door.

I wait for his car to leave before I get up to talk to Connor again. I go to his room, and see that he is still on his computer editing.

"Connor?" I say, while knocking on his door frame.

"Yes?" he turns around in his chair.

"Can we talk?"

"About what? And why did Ricky leave. You two haven't left each others side for the past few days."

"We need to talk about whatever is going on between us." I motion between us.

"We did earlier. It's clear that you like it, because you would have stopped me, and you can't tell Ricky, as long as I don't tell Joey. And eventually we will be so invested in our secret relationship that we slowly stop paying attention to them, then they will break up with us, and we'll live happily ever after. The end." he explains to me as if it is normal.

"I'm sorry to inform you Connor, but that's not exactly how it works."

"It is if that's how we make it." he gets up out of his chair, and walks toward me.

Sooner than I realize we are so close our foreheads are touching. I can feel his breath on me, and his eyes beading down on me.

"You can't deny that we have something here. We either do it my way, which is the easy way, or we don't do it all, which I'm pretty sure you don't want to do it that way." he says sternly, then kisses me.

"Okay. We'll do it your way." I sigh, then it's my turn to kiss him.

"Sounds like a plan." he replies with a smirk.

I kiss him again, shake my head, and walk out of his room.

Ricky's P.O.V.

After driving aimlessly for twenty minutes, I still have no idea where to go, or what to do. Kian has been acting strange, and I'm in no place to help. He won't tell me what's going on. We've been spending the past week together, but the past two days is when he has really started to act up.

Figuring out what's wrong isn't in the picture, even though we're best friends, and boyfriends, there's still no way he would tell me anything. He's so quiet about everything that goes on in his life. The only person he's ever told anything to is probably Connor, and that's only because Connor is probably the most sensible out of all of us.

I take my car to the side of the rode, and park. I pull out my phone, and text the only person I

can think of. Tyler Oakley. After filming a collab, we started talking a lot more, and have slowly become good friends.

Me: Hey Tyler. I'm pretty bored, Kian's sick, and I'm not sure what to do. It's a Friday night, so

I'm going to assume you're drinking, can I come over and join you?

Tyler: That sounds wonderful! I have Joey over, and you are so welcome to come!

Me: Thanks so much Tyler, I'll be over in ten minutes.

I sigh in relief that Tyler does want to hang out, and start my car up again. I then start very short and uneventful ride to Tyler's house.


As soon as I arrive I can feel a rush of excitement come over me. Finally a place where I can hang out with someone who isn't Kian. As much as I like him, I need a break sometimes.

I hope out of my car, find his apartment, and knock.

Joey answers with a glass of wine in his hand.

"Why hello Rickyonya." he giggles, and beckons me in.

"Heyyyy Tricky Licky Sticky Dicky Ricky. How are you?" Tyler asks in a voice lower than his normal one.

I can already tell that this night will be full of plenty of alcohol.


A few hours later, and I'm slightly tipsy, but not drunk, so I am sober enough to remember what's going on around me.

"You know, Kian has been acting really weird lately. It's sort of upsetting." I groan loudly.

"I feel your pain. Connors been acting weird around me too." Joey seconds.

As soon as he says that, my mind rushed to many different places.

They could be doing things that shouldn't be done. Like cheating, or they stopped talking.

Although the second subject was a definite no, because they were on speaking terms earlier today.

The first option is all I can think about, which causes me to take a few shots, and the rest of the night is all a blur.

A/N: Omg yeah. Hi. Thanks for like almost 200 votes, 100 comments, and 4,000 reads. That's really gr8. Thanks. Hope you like this chapter. I've spent a lot of time this week writing it. My upload schedule might be a little weird, because my computer broke again, and school testing is over, so my homework will be piled on, and yeah. Okay love you guys. Thanks again! Comment/Vote/Fan.


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