Undeniable [9]

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Chapter Nine (EDITED)

Kian's P.O.V.

Ricky and I are sat in the living room, both scrolling through our endless Tumblr dashboards. We posted the video around 10 minutes ago, so we're waiting for a reaction. I, on one hand, am terrified, but Ricky, on the other, seems relaxed about it.

Probably because with him it was some one what predictable, but some what odd when it was with me. Due to the fact that I had a girlfriend, it's going to be semi awkward.

I still haven't told Ricky, or any of the boys for that matter, about how Andrea and I really broke up.

By the looks of my tears, it seemed like we didn't end on good terms, but it was just fine between us. It wasn't fine between me and myself though.

I couldn't come to terms with the idea of me being gay, even though that's what I said to Andrea when we broke up. I didn't want to be the gay one. I wanted to be straight, normal, and attractive Kian. It messed with me more than it should have.

Telling Connor about it definitely helped. Although I still haven't come to complete terms, but all of Ricky's kind words have been comforting. Not to mention his amazing kisses.

"Kian?" Ricky pipes up.

"Yeah babe?" I don't know where the word comes from, but it fell out of my mouth like word vomit.

"Do you wanna check the Rickian tumblr tag and see what's going on?" he asks, completely ignoring the word that slipped from my loose lips.

"I do, but I really don't. I kind of want to talk to you about a few things first. It's nothing too big, but I still thought you should know." I tell him bashfully.

"Then come here and tell me." he gestures for me to sit on his lap.

I move over on top of him, and wrap my arms around his waist.

"So, when Andrea and I broke up, I made it seem like it was a really big deal, and things ended on a very bad note, but it was different than that. I sort of told her I was gay, and I just couldn't do it. I didn't want to come to terms with my sexuality." I vent.

"That's totally fine KiKi, and I don't think that's any reason to be upset. And since we're having honesty hour, and saying things strait up, I do have something that I need to tell you before we get any further into this relationship."

"Tell me then."

"I used to date Connor. Two years ago, before he started dating Joey. It isn't something I'm exactly proud of, but you should know." he says completely honest.

My boyfriend dated the guy who we're living with. The guy who I told I was gay, before I told anyone else. He is living under the same roof as us. He could also potentially still have feelings for my boyfriend.

"Thank you for telling me Ricky." I give him a small peck on the lips, but I can't think good thoughts.

All I can think is, Connor Franta's dirty lips have most likely touch Ricky's. Connor Franta has slept in the same bed as Ricky. Connor Franta has cuddled with Ricky. Connor Franta used to date Ricky.

I hate Connor Franta.

A/N: Omg hai. Update. Yes I know, this was sort of a filler, but next chapter some Connor and Kian action will go down, and the fandom reaction will be apart of this. Thanks for reading. ily guys. <3


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