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Disclaimer: Most of these 'characters' are real people. I don't own them.

Third Person PoV

Driving down to the old fish factory, Bryce was tapping his fingers on his knees anxiously. Luke took one hand off the steering wheel and stopped Bryce's hand.

"Hey, hey, hey! You're making me nervous, and I don't get nervous!"

Bryce looked at him apologetically. "Sorry, Cartoonz, I'm just---I'm just nervous."

"I can tell." Bryce's eyes shifted left and right and he was biting his right hand's thumb while tapping his left hand's fingers on his knee. "You need to lay off the coffee, Bryce."

Bryce's eyes snapped into focus, looking at his hands. "What? No, no, coffee has nothing to do with me right now."

"Well, damn. I knew this mission was going to be a little nerve-wracking, but I didn't think you'd get this frazzled over it."

Bryce chuckled dryly. "It's not really the mission that's got me in this state."

Luke risked a glance in his direction. They were getting close to the factory. "Then what's got your panties in a knot?"

Bryce side-eyed him. He sighed. "I have a lead on who the BBS is."

Luke slammed the brakes. He stared at him, open-mouthed. "How the fuck did you do that?" Tyler blared his horn at the two, so Luke started moving again.

The cruiser's radio crackled. Ohm's voice came through. "Hey, dude, what the fuck? You almost made us crash!"

"Sorry, Ohm, just a little brake check."

"Brake check my ass. Just keep moving."

"Roger that." Luke turned the radio off and looked at Bryce. "You better explain when we're done with this."

Bryce nodded, face serious. "Of course."


Ohm and Luke broke off from the group of cars to go and block the two roads that led to the factory. It had been Luke's brilliant idea that they also get some construction signs that read 'Road Closed' so people wouldn't try and go in. They didn't need extra people here. They could get hurt.

His Comm crackled. "Everyone in position?" Brian asked.

Everyone gave a chorus of 'Yes' and 'Obviously.'

"All right. Cartoonz, Bryce, open the doors."

Bryce and Luke strained against the heavy iron doors, pulling until they finally opened the doors. Luke breathed heavily, chuckling. "Guess all that working out really came in handy, eh, Bryce?"

Bryce laughed, his breathing no more even than Luke's own. "Yeah, guess so."

Brian's voice came through again. "All right. Ohm, Moo, shields up and move in. Cartoonz, Bryce, you know where to go."

"On it," they said. Bryce and Luke split up and went around the factory, one going left and the other going right.

"I'm fully extending," Ohm said.

They all paused for a second. Tyler spoke. "I'm sorry, you're what, Ohm?"

"I'm fully exten---" Ohm realized what he was saying. "My shield, you fucks! I'm fully extending my shield!"

"Okay, okay! We don't need to know more, Ohm," Delirious said, laughing slightly. "Stay on target, guys. Focus."

"Shield deployed," Moo said. "We're going in." He paused. "Into the building, I mean."

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