Chapter Four - Aaron

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Chapter Four - Aaron

Behind the door stood the full-length mirror, glued there to keep his room spacious. However, the truth was that Aaron's room would have spacious enough if the mirror was placed elsewhere. He had the space to fill an elephant inside, yet he kept it empty most of the time, only filling the white walls with an array of guitars, CDs and clothes to make it his.

Currently, he had Bastille blasting off his speakers as he grabbed his hair gel. He never really used much, nor did he think he needed to, especially when he liked it when his fringe would mess up continuously. Using his hands to slick his hair round his head, he hummed the song in his mind. It was something that kept him up in the morning, like for others it was the birds singing, his was Bastille.

As Aaron's mum called him for breakfast, he grabbed his bag off his bed and obeyed her order. His mum was a lovely person, Aaron believed, yet sometimes he thought that she tried too hard. There was even a phase where she only called him Heathcliff, just to make him feel like she wasn't changing him and secretly, he actually liked it. He just didn't have the guts to tell his dad that when the two of them argued over it.

He walked into the kitchen, automatically hearing the clink of metal. His mum was cooking, as she abnormally decided to do at seven in the morning, whereas his dad was already seated at the table, munching into what had already been made.

"There you are, honey," his mum said as she turned around. "Sit down, sit down. I'm making your father's favourite."

By that, she had meant scrambled eggs and sausages - Aaron's worst nightmare. He was a vegetarian, which was something constantly forgotten by his parents. He couldn't blame them, as they had constantly eaten meat throughout their lives yet Aaron thought that living with them for over twelve years of his life would have made them remember. Looking at his dad's plate, he could see the crinkling outer layer of the sausage staring back at him and it startled him.

"Erm, I think I'll skip breakfast," he told them, heading towards the door. "I'll just pick something up from the shops along the way."

He hated lying to them, yet he didn't want to keep reminding them about being a vegetarian.

"Honey, it's only eggs and sausages!" She cried, just as the front door slammed shut.

It wasn't strange for Aaron to walk out like that, it was more of a daily habit. His mum would usually cook sausages, bacon and even fish at this time. On rare days, she would make things that he could eat, like eggs, pancakes and waffles, yet that was whenever dad was at work or at some conference.

With a sigh, he continued to walk to his school. It wasn't that far, probably a twenty minute walk for him. Henry would usually pick him up on his way to school but lately, Henry seemed a little too busy with his own stuff - school work and his sister. Aaron understood the connection between the two siblings, especially when Henry was the only male being in their household and with his sister being blind. Aaron didn't really blame Henry as it was his duty to look after her. But that didn't mean that he didn't have to be envious of their connection.

He remembered that when Henry had made his decision to temporarily quit the band, they had been given their biggest break - to perform at their local shopping centre. That was why it annoyed Aaron so much because music was his life, something that he wanted to pursue, yet Henry had just come along and became the giant squashing his dream.

Regardless of that, Aaron understood that his mystery singer would be able to put their band back on track. She was perfect, yes, and having a girl in the band would give it a new sound - the new sound that they needed to make themselves unique. He couldn't wait to tell the others, especially Henry, since he was the one who had originally started the band. And as he was the lead singer, he had the most say in who would replace him.

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