Chapter Twenty-Five - Cat

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Updating schedule seems to be getting better lol :) I don't think there'll be one next week though, because Eid is soon and I've got comic con on Saturday.

Remember to vote on twitter for The Wattys. All you have to do is share this story on your twitter and add the hashtag #MyWattysChoice I think it's until the end of August so help me promote this story and vote as many times as you want!

Chapter Twenty-Five – Cat

Hurt was an understatement. As she left, her own chest felt like it was hit by a truck – it was unbearable. Her mind was all over the place but she needed to stay strong, for Henry's sake and her mother's sake. The two of them had suffered enough.

"Are you okay?" Henry put an arm around her, shaking immensely.

She nodded. Knowing that Aaron had done something like this must have hurt him just as must as it was hurting her. Although she was the one who was deeply and truly in love with him, Henry was the one who was closest to him.

However, she couldn't think about it, not when her mother needed her. As the two of them entered her hospital room, Cat was planning all of the ways to tell her mother about the man in a coma. She couldn't even think of how she was going to react – when their father passed away, their mum had cooped up, secluded from society. She only ever left the house to go to the funeral and that was after Cat had gotten out of hospital. It was unthinkable for her mother's reaction to Mr London.

"Excuse me, sir, but she's not really able to answer many questions, right now." Cat felt Henry push past her in a rush. "And you shouldn't even be in here!"

She wondered what was going on as everyone spoke in a hurry. Also, Henry's tone of voice towards the police frightened her a little.

"No, no, it's fine!" Her mum's voice was louder and clearer, but still with a touch of damage. "We were just telling the police what happened. Violet – it's Violet, right? – was just saying she knew who did it."

Cat froze. Hearing Violet's name was bad enough, yet knowing she was in the same room as their mum just after finding out what happened was too much. Henry didn't say anything after that. Instead, the police carried on with the questions.

"You're saying Kyle Evans is behind this?" A different voice asked, probably a police officer.

It made Cat come closer to everyone. She found Henry and took his hand in hers. Although hearing his name should have angered her, it didn't. Knowing that the police were finally acknowledging his crimes was somewhat of a relief; justice would finally be served.

"Yes – and I was part of it," Violet added. That shocked Cat.

Why would she turn herself in?

Cat kept wondering if there was a hidden agenda. Had Kyle put her up to it? Even if he had, Cat refused to feel any sympathy for her. It was her that Aaron was trying to help.

Violet continued to explain how Kyle had been coercing her into helping him. Something about hearing it all over again made Cat quiver in her shoes. She couldn't stay in the room, so she left to get some air in what was an overcrowded hospital before the police arrested Violet.

Trying to find an empty seat by herself, she felt herself falling apart at the seams. Her footsteps were not co-ordinated. Whereas walking blindly in an unknown place felt like floating most of the time, Cat was falling. She should have been focusing on her steps but she wasn't; her breathing was her focus. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Her arm was flailing, trying to find herself a wall or something to hold onto – but she couldn't find one.

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