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I'm also entering this story for the Watty Awards 2015, so please vote for it if you like it. I know I have nowhere near enough readers for this to win but I'd like to try.

The idea for Little Bird is something of a mystery. It was random and eccentric at first, yet once I started writing it, I couldn't stop. It was just one of those stories that I was excited to write about and I thought, if I was excited to write about it, maybe others would be excited to read it.

A lot of this story was inspired by Wuthering Heights. It's the novel that made me fall in love with reading and to this day, it is my favourite. I find it a shame, however, that it doesn't get enough notice. We usually look to stories to find happy endings and all that stuff but sometimes, we need a story that hits us and brings us right back to reality, a story that will change us for the better.

Although this story is nowhere near the genius of Emily Bronte, I hope you'll enjoy reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it.

*DISCLAIMER* All songs used in this story belong to their original writers and musicians, no matter how much I wish I had written them.

© 2014 xunidentified All Rights Reserved

Little Bird #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now