t w e n t y f o u r

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Was there anything that had more of a déjà vu then stuffing books into your locker at 8am? I swear it was becoming he most painstakingly repetitive thing.

But in recent weeks, I grew to hate the mundane activity even more. Peter was always right there, both of us sharing glances, neither of us saying a word.

Until the following day.

I slammed my locker closed and was about to walk to class when he spoke, "Hey, Vi, wait up."

I inwardly groaned and turned around as he approached me.

"I never got to thank you...for being there last night." He scratched the back of his head nervously. "It's not often I get to come back from a rough night...and be with someone who understands."

"Yeah well, someone's gotta make sure you don't get yourself killed." I leant my head against the side of my locker.

His next words were interrupted by the passing of Flash.

"Good morning pee face." He shoved Peter as he walked by, and then sent a wink in my direction as he said, "Morning, beautiful."

Nothing got my blood boiling in the morning like Flash Thompson, and to be honest, ever since I restarted my training, I didn't feel like a hopeless little girl anymore.

"Good morning, Eugene." I smiled sarcastically in his direction. His face sunk into a frustrated frown, like he was ready to run home and cry. It was amusing how easily that got to him.

After halting in his position for a moment, he probably realised that he looked utterly pathetic right now, so he stormed off in anger.

Peter lightly laughed and I glanced up to see that smile that I hadn't realised how much I'd missed until now.

He shook his head as he did so, like something even more amusing came to mind.

"What?" I asked.

"For a second there, he looked like he did after you hit him across the face." He chuckled. A smile soon lifted upon my mouth as I realised what he was talking about. It was the night of Gwen's party which now, seemed like years ago.

"That night was a lot of fun," I smiled, a small laugh escaping as the thought came to mind. "back when we were stupid and reckless."

"We used to have a lot of fun, when we were stupid and reckless." His lips tugged at a smile.

"I agree." I said softly, as Peter gave me that look. That look that said he was sorry a million times, before our classes took us in separate directions.


Third period in history, as we got on with individual reading, Ned beside me caught my attention.

"So we both know about Peter, it's pretty awesome don't you think?" I realised that I'd never spoke to Ned about the secret. In fact, I almost forgot that he even knew.

"I guess." I shrugged, flipping the page.

"Man I'd love to have his abilities." He smiled airily. "But I love being the guy in the chair, it's more me."

I looked up at him, "Guy in the what?"

"Guy in the chair. Y'know, like in the movies?" But I simply shook my head in response, having no idea what he was talking about, making him sigh. "I'm the computer guy. Give him all the information he needs when he gets in trouble with the bad guys."

"Information?" I asked.

"Yeah, and I'm getting really good at it too. Like there was a guy the other night-"

"-the guy with the gun?" I raised my eyebrow, suddenly becoming immensely intrigued.

"Yeah, it only took me like ten minutes to find out that he lives at 224 Southport Street." He spoke so fast that I almost missed it.

So Peter's going back? He's going to get himself shot in the head and this guy is leading him straight there.

"Ned, you can't let Peter go there." I inched forward, keeping my voice low but full of concern.

"He'll be fine. It's just one guy, he can handle it."

I guess it wasn't my place to say anymore. Peter nor Ned had no obligation to listen to me.

After that, Ned just rambled on about what kind of powers he'd want. I was tempted to show him my own but I didn't. He was a nice guy, and I'm glad Peter had someone looking out for him on the other side - but that didn't stop me from worrying.


My eyes trailed across the same lines in my book over and over. I thought some late night reading would take my mind off things, but nothing was going in. It was hopeless. I sighed in defeat and closed the book, dialing Peter's number into my phone.

"Hello?" He answered after a few seconds.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"Uh...out on patrol." He mumbled, though it was difficult to hear him. Then I heard a shout in the background.

"So you're not going after the guy with illegal weapons?"

Then I heard more than one voice. A few actually. As well as a mechanical noise and then lastly an ear piercing gun shot. Bleep. The phone call ended.

I immedialty called back twice, both calls failed to go through.

My heart had never pounded so hard. My hands were shaking, my head spinning. He was in trouble and there was nothing I could do about it.

I paced around the perimeter of my room, trying to think of something I could do, anything. Then I looked down at my balled fist and the insane idea came to mind. I had trained extensively after all.

I cracked open my bedroom door and yelled over to my mom in the kitchen, "Mom, I'm not feeling too good so I'm gonna go to bed."

After a few concerned questions, she eventually agreed. Then I shut the door and ran to my closet. I slipped on a dark jacket and some black sports leggings. Glancing in the mirror, I thought how ridiculous I'd look fighting next to Spider-Man looking like this. What if they remembered my face and came after me. They could hunt me down or something.

So I rummaged through my drawers until I some across a large black scarf. Standing in front of the mirror, I tied it around the bottom half of my face, covering from under my eyes to the top of my neck.

One last thing. I untied my hair from its usual ponytail and let the long locks fall on either side of my face. I was surprised with how different I looked, and to be honest it gave me a hell of a lot more confidence.

Now I just needed to remember where he was. Ned said something about Southport Street. 200? 221? Either way, I knew roughly where he was.

So I slid my window open gently, climbed down the fire escape and made my way as fast as I could, feeling both stupid and reckless.

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