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"Okay, I'll be back this evening. There's left over pizza for lunch and make sure to call me if you need anything." My mom said as she made her way out the door for work. It was Saturday and I'd trained four times this week. I desvered this rest day.

Homework however was another burden I had to face. I'd spent the first two hours of the day writing up an englsih essay. Then I ate for like two hours, siting on the couch and watching trash tv until I realied that this procrastination was getting out of hand.

I quicly finshed up my biology questions, and then last but not least...math. The dreaded math.

I groaned as I leaned my head into my hands, staring at the same damn equation. As a sign of defeat, I whipped out my phone and messaged the super genius that was my boyfriend. We spent about twenty minutes of me sending the questions and him tryig to explain the answers the best he could.

Eventually I got fed up and text, 'HELP!' as a last resort. At this point I was ready to drop out of high school and live happily on the streets of Queens.

But he didn't reply. Instead there was a knock at the door whch brought a smile to my lips. Jumping off my bed, I answerd to see my saviour.

"Give me the questions." He gave a lopsided smile as he followed me into my room.

Peter sat himself on the bed as I lay down besdie him on my back, handing him the sheet and a pencil. "And this time, can you make a couple of small mistakes? She's starting to get suspicious." I smiled up at him.

"You really need to start studying." He said as he scribbled down the answers with rapid speed. I watched as he occasionally bit the end of the pencil in concentration before returning it to the paper.

"Why, when I have my own personal nerd?" I said as Peter shot a playful galre in my direction.

As he was doing so, I watched as it began to pour heavily with rain outside. It pattered softly agasint my window and the grey skies seemed to make my small room so much more comforting.

"Done." He placed the paper and pencil on the side with a sigh.

"Great, thanks. Now you can leave." A smile tugged at my lips.

He moved so that he leaned over me, balancing on his hands either side of my head. "This is the last time I'm doing your homework for you." He said in a fake serious tone.

"No it's not." I pulled him by the front of his t-shirt down to me until our lips met. He moved down closer, our bodies almost pressed against each other as my hands moved up to his hair.

The kiss deepened and the pattering on the window pane grew louder. I began to run my fingers through his soft locks making him moan slightly against my mouth.

We simultaneously pulled apart for air, moving my hands down to rest on his broad shoulders.

"So I'm gonna leave now." He said teasingly, a lock of his ruffled hair falling in front of his eye.

He leaned down and pressed a small tender kiss onto the tip of my nose.

"You're not funny." I said, gripping his shoulders harder to prevent him from moving.

"No, but I can still make you laugh." He smirked.

"Oh really? And how do yo-" I was unable to finsh my sentence as he started to tickle me in the ribs. I immedualty started to push him off me as my laughter became so uncontrollable that it hurt my stomach.

"Peter, stop!" I said between laughs, pushing him to lay beside me where he continued to tickle me with a gigantic grin on his face. Our laughters echoed in the room as he put his arm under me and flipped us again so that he was on top.

His wrist was under my back and as I began to push him off again, a 'thwip' sound brought all silence to the room. His fingers stopped and he looked at me with wide eyes. I looked at the other side of my room and saw that a web had been shot onto the wall.

The smile fell from my face as a swell of anger and sadness raged inside me. I looked at Peter who's eyes were as wide as ever.

"You're Spider-Man." My eyebrows furrowed as I felt my heart break in two when he didn't immediately try to deny it.

Then I untangled our bodies, pushing his arms off me as I stood up from the bed.

He quickly scrambled to his feet, "No, Violet listen I-"

Tears inevitably began to stream down my cheeks.

"You're an ass, and I'm a complete idiot for believing a single word that came out of your mouth." It's like my thoughts were so jumbled that I had to speak them aloud. "I talked to him...I told him things. Oh my god, you know about me." I rubbed my temple in frustration,

As I tried to wrap my head around the whole thing, I realised that despite how raged I felt on the inside, I was acting considerably calm on my exterior.

"I promise I was going to tell you." Peter's voice cracked like he too was on the verge of tears.

"When did you think would be a good time to tell me?" I raised my voice, as wetness smeared on my cheeks. "Maybe after you found out my biggest secret?"

He stepped closer, opening his mouth to say something but I shoved his chest back. "I can't believe you!" I said. "You had the chance to tell me but instead you lied to me, again. How long did you think you could hide behind that internship bullcrap?"

"I am so so sorry." A small tear fell down his cheekbone.

I groaned and combed my hands though my hair, "This isn't happening." My vision become blurred with tears.

It was typical. I find the one perfectly average thing in my life that makes me happy and it turns out to be a disaster. Peter was like the sense of normality that I clung to for reassurance, but now there was nothing holding me down.

"I was going to tell you, you have to believe me." Desperation echoed in his voice.

"Why should I believe anything you say? What happened to that whole trust thing we talked about up on the roof? Did that mean anything to you?"

"Of course it did." At that point, we both looked like crying messes.

"I trusted you...both of you." I said in an almost whisper, before retaining a louder tone.

"Do me a favour and don't ever talk to me." I choked the words out.

"What, Vi please let me explain."

"I'm serious Peter, leave." I opened my bedroom door, but he stood firm in place blocking the exit.

"I'm not going anywhere, I can't leave you like this."

"Get out!" I tried shoving him like I did before, but this time he didn't resist and stood planted in place. So I raised my hand and shot a small blast into his abdomen, jerking him back just enough for me to slam the door in his face.

I pressed my back against the frame, covering my mouth with my hand so that he couldn't hear me sobbing.

I didn't hear anything until a few minutes after when I heard footsteps and a soft close of the front door.

He was gone.

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