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"Well, it all started when I left Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters." I explained, looking down at my feet as I swung them back and forth, feeling his gaze on me.

"I felt like I was missing out y'know. I wanted to graduate from my high school, I wanted to live in this tiny New York apartment with my mom, I wanted people to get to know me and not just my abilities."

For an annoying talkative loudmouth, Spider-man was actually a pretty great listener, so I continued on.

"I know it sounds crazy and stupid, but... I liked being back here. And then Peter happened... and I loved being here." I paused before I said the words, but they were undeniable.

"Without him, I would have been back at the institute within the first week of being back."

"Peter, huh?" He said like he was smiling behind the mask, retaining his unusually deep voice. "Should I be jealous?"

A wide smile etched onto my face as a blush creeped onto my cheeks. "He's amazing. He's one of the easiest people to talk to, and he just makes me smile like all the time. It's like I don't even have to try when I'm around him, everything just feels so right." I felt elated just talking about him. "Sorry, I'm rambling, aren't I?"

"N-Not at all." He chuckled.

"So anyway," I continued, "He's been acting a little off lately." I didn't want to be one of those girls that would be really fussy and annoying, but Peter's situation was an exception.

"I have a feeling that he's lying to me." I sighed, suddenly feeling a lot less hopeful than I was a minute ago.

"Wha...What makes you say that?" He said.

"It's probably nothing." I shook my head, watching as the purple sky was slowly deepening in colour.

"He keeps making excuses about where he has to be, like there's something or someone more important."

"No! It's nothing like that." He sounded almost panicked, but then soon retained his cool and melodramatic voice. "I mean, I bet he's crazy about you. Look at you, what's not to like?" He exclaimed, once again bringing a small smile to my lips.

"Any guy would be lucky as hell to have you." He clasped his hands together in between his legs and looked down in sombre as he spoke. "If he can't see that, then he's a big idiot." He scoffed and shook his head.

His change in attitude surprised me, as I examined him with a quizzical expression. It was difficult to determine anything with his mask covering every little facial expression.

"I might just be overreacting," I said, "but I just want to be able to trust him, before I tell him...about me."

His chest raised with a heavy sigh. "You two got a lot of secrets, huh?"

"Yeah." I ran a hand through my hair, "It's a messy situation."

For a moment, we both just sat staring into the abyss of the city lights. He helped me put things into perspective. Peter was probably lying, but it was nothing to be concerned about, and eventually he would have to trust me. After all, I was doing the exact same thing to him. We just needed time I guess.

My eyes trailed across the movements of the city, how building lights would flicker on and off and yellow taxis passed in the streets. I began to think about how people had come home from work and were sitting down with their families for dinner. It had always been the lifestyle I resented, but now, I didn't seem so bad.

"Hey red, how do you cope with being so different in this perfectly normal world?" I asked, realising that he was probably the closest thing I had to a 'mutant' friend, even if he wasn't one.

"Believe me, it's not easy." He chuckled. "I guess that's part of the reason I do this every night." He held out his gloved hands. "You should try it." He looked over at me, "It's kinda fun to use your powers and do something good at the same time."

"I'm not cut out for that." I laughed, imagining how I'd undoubtedly fail at saving civilians and trying to look cool as I did so, let alone concealing my identity.

"Only problem is I don't have a cool name." I snapped my fingers in a mocking fashion.

"How about Laser Beams, Death Ray- Oh! Blaster Girl, Ultra-Violet." I giggled as Spidey spread his hands out as if painting the names in giant letters into the misty sky.

"I think we're better off leaving the super hero stuff to you." I said.

"Ah," he exasperated as if really disappointed "you would have made an awesome side kick."

He turned to face me, slowly reaching his gloved hand up to my cheek. "On second thought, this face is too pretty to hide behind a mask." His thumb traced over my cheekbone before he cleared his throat and quickly moved it away, acting like it didn't just happen.

We fell into another mutual blanket of silence. There was certainly a lot ot take in from all this, but somehow, Peter dominated my thoughts as usual.

"I was wrong about you." I guess this was my bitter way of apologising to him, considering how harsh I'd been when we first met. "You're not all that bad. No anti-mutant protesters have come for me yet so you kept my secret. Thanks for that."

"No problem." He nodded, "Besides, I wouldn't want to get on your bad side. I mean, you did push me off the roof the other day."

"I did not!" I shoved his muscular arm only making him roar with laugher.

"Hey, wh-whatever you say." He held up his hands and put on a terrified voice before bursting into another fit of laughter, of which this time I too laughed. He held his hand to his stomach and leant back futher with each laugh.

"You're an ass." I said as our laughs mellowed down.

I then took in my surroundings and realised how dark it had gotten, the sky was a midnight black at which I muttered, "Crap. I should get back, it's gotten pretty late."

I spun around and jumped onto back onto the surface of the roof.

Then a hand grasped onto mine, pulling me back slightly, "Aw c'mon, five more minutes."
He whined, standing inches from me.

"I've really gotta go." I frowned slipping my hand out of his larger one. I could honestly talk to him for hours. "But thanks, you helped me more than you could know."

"Anytime, Violet." He said softly, as I moved to the exit door; and with the sound of a short thwip behind me, he was gone.

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