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His soft hand wrapped around my smaller one, interlocking our fingers. I looked up at Peter, opening my mouth about to ask what he was doing, but instead, I found myself being pulled through the huge crowd of sweaty bodies. Peter kept a firm grip as he cleared his way to an empty spot in the corner of the room. 

Once we reached a spot where there was enough room to stand, he released his hand, a light blush painting on his cheeks as he withdrew.

"Uh, I'll go get us some drinks." His brown eyes moved over to the mini bar, leaving me standing completely dumfounded, trying to shake off the blush I felt creeping up on my cheeks. He had held my hand with just the right firmness, not in an aggressive way, but simply protective. It felt nice.  But since when had Peter become so confident? This certainly wasn't the same dorky guy I remembered.

I ran a hand through my hair, suddenly feeling a little warm in the crowded atmosphere. My caramel hues scanned the bustling scene with a sour expression.  Half the girls from school were wearing the shortest dresses I had ever seen, grinding up against the nearest guys and desperate for any attention they could get from the douchebags around them. The view was somewhat vulgar but impossibly it got worse as Flash Thompson made his way over to the spot I stood in.

Immediately I scanned around for Peter, or even escape route, but before I could even think, the blonde jock was standing directly in front of me, a smirk rested on his large face; I hadn't missed that at all.

"Damn Larosa, I didn't think it was possible for you to get hotter." He bit down on his lip and inched forward as I clenched my jaw, trying to resist the urge to slap the ridiculous smirk off his face.

"You haven't changed a bit, Flash." I didn't understand why Flash seemed to have a thing for me. The jerk could literally get any girl he wanted, but he didn't like the feeling of denial, which is why I emphasised it.

"Ah, I missed you. Always playing hard to get." He reached forward and took a lock of my hair within his fingertips as his gaze held my furious one.

"Get lost, Flash." I slapped his hand away.

I dint think much of it, but there was a small pain in my hands. It was the feeling I had when I couldn't control my mutation, but I was confident that I could handle it now. I figured it was just Flash, pushing my buttons.

"C'mon, I know you secretly think I'm hot." I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest. I had never met a more arrogant jackass.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I saw Peter approaching holding two red cups in his hands. Flash followed my gaze behind him and let out an almost growl.

"Parker? You're here with puny Parker?" He let out a roaring laugh as he turned to face Peter.

"Hey, Flash." Peter said calmly, however, I could see the worry in his eyes.

"Let's go." I shoved past Flash and began walking, motioning for Peter to follow. I had seen Flash get angry before, and it wasn't pretty. The pain in my hands shot back, causing me to wince a little. Xavier had mentioned that her anger could trigger involuntary use of my mutation, but I seemed to think I could overcome it.

I kept walking, in and out of the crowd and shoving harshly past the occasional person in my way until I stepped out onto the back porch. Inhaling as I sat down on one of the garden chairs, I tired to remember all that Hank had taught me back at the institute.

Breathe. Count to ten. Repeat. It helped that not many people were out here, and the outdoors seemed to shut out the blaring music a little better. Crossing one leg over the other, I gripped my hands together and tried to lower my heart rate.

Flash had literally made my blood boil, and that wasn't a good thing. Usually if I got angry like that, I would head to the training room and let out some steam. But I was in New York now, not to mention at a party with about 200 people who I didn't want to make victims out of. Slowly, I found the pain in the hands lessen as I breathed a sigh of relief.

"You alright? Did he hurt you?" A concerned expression was painted upon Peter's features as he sat on the chair next to me placing both cups onto the floor.

"No, he was just being incredibly annoying. I can't believe he's still such a jerk." I spoke, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

I felt Peter's eyes on me for a few moments until he emitted a deep sigh. "We shouldn't have come here. Sorry, it was a mistake."

Suddenly, I felt bad. From how he had acted so far, it genuinely felt like he just wanted to spend time with me. Gwen Stacy had even walked by a couple of times, her blonde hair bouncing as she strolled around in her high heels. It was certain to say that he was over her. I didn't know how or why; he just didn't seem to care for her presence anymore.

I felt like I had put a complete damper on this night. No matter how grouchy I was used to being, it was time to at least try and have some fun. For Peter.

"No, no, we should stay." I reached down and picked up both cups from the floor, handing one to Peter as I raised my own.

"Are you sure? Because- "

"I'm sure." I cut him off, pursing my lips together in assurance.

"I'm not going to give Flash that satisfaction. We're gonna have fun." My words weren't filled with anger per say, but more determination.

I brought the red cup up to my lips and gulped the entire content down. Let's call it:  liquid motivation. Peter watched me with his big brown wide eyes which only amused me. Next, I dropped the empty cup before standing up and making my way back inside the house, as Peter still sat in shock at the prior spectacle.

As I confidently strode, I called over my shoulder, "You coming, Parker?"

After slight pause, I heard him soon get up from his chair and follow closely behind as he faintly chuckled, "Yes, ma'am."

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