6 - Still Skyhold

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"Welcome to Skyhold." Solas was standing right beside me, he looked at me as he waited for my reaction.

"It looks so well built, it's beautiful. I'm so glad you knew of this place Solas." He smiled at me before we continued our short walk to Skyhold's gate.

I gasped as I walked in, there was nature everywhere. I brought my hands to my mouth as I looked around in awe.

"Surprised, Miriel?" Solas appeared at my side once more.

"It's more like home than Haven. There isn't snow everywhere. There are trees! And flowers and so many other plants!" I squealed with delight and Solas smiled at me.

"Just wait until you see the garden." He pointed to the higher part of the fortress.

I looked at him full of excitement, "You have to show me Solas!"

"I promise I will, once everyone has settled down." He smiled at me before he looked around and took in the surroundings for himself.

I looked around as well. People still poured into the gates of our new home. The supplies that were brought with the original group were being piled into the corner of the lowest courtyard to be dealt with later.

Cassandra found me once everyone had made it to the courtyard. She walked me up the first of the two sets of stairs to the door. I am shocked. She gave me the title of Inquisitor, the leader of this group.

"I don't deserve this, if it should be anyone, it should be you Cassandra. Besides, I am an elf, would the Chantry approve?"

"This is nothing to do with the Chantry. It is none of their concern. You have proven to be the best to led us all. Please, accept the offer." Cassandra pleaded with me.

"I accept. Thank you, thank you all for helping us all get through what happened at Haven. I promise I and the Inquisition will defeat this self-proclaimed god, Corypheus."

A few days passed, everyone had settled down. Solas had claimed the lowest floor of one of the towers as his study. Dorian was by the library the floor above, Leliana was on the top floor with her Ravens. Varric was seated by a fire outside Solas' study door. Vivienne was upstairs by a balcony. Sera, Cole, The Iron Bull, and the Chargers were all in the tavern. Cassandra and Blackwall were in the outside training courtyard. We had all found our own place to pass our time. I spent most of mine with Solas. He would tell me about some adventures in the Fade. Today we would sit on the couch facing each other as he told me another story, just like we always do.

I opened his door to find him seated at his desk, asleep. I smiled at him, he looks so peaceful when he's asleep. I leaned over to face him and placed my hand on his cheek. He was so warm. He didn't wake up from my touch, which was good. I pulled my hand away and quietly walked over to the couch. On my way, I picked up a book from the floor. I leaned my elbow against the armrest while my legs were curled up next to me. After a while, he woke up. I didn't notice, I was too absorbed in the Orlesian book. I jumped in fright when I feel someone's hands had covered my own. I looked up to see Solas was leaning over me.

"I see you've found your own story to entertain yourself today."

"You were asleep, I didn't want to disturb you."

He slowly took the book from my hand and placed it on the floor, still open to keep my page. He sat down next to me and I turned to face him. I took the opportunity to study his eyes. They were such a pretty colour, fulled of wisdom. I realised he is doing the same.

"It's time I kept my promise."

"What?" I don't know what he'd been referring to.

"I promised you once everyone had settled down."

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