1 - Haven

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Coughing, I slowly reach out to where I assume is in front of me. My pale, numb hand landed heavily in the soft snow. I tried to look around but the avalanche I caused had covered everything with blindingly white snow. I forced myself onto my knees and started to crawl in what I hope was up. The wind was deafening and stung my cheeks as it whipped past my face. It eventually began to die down, and the snow began to settle. Debris is evidence there was once a village where the snow has now claimed. Haven. It hadn't been my home for long, but that's what it had become. I couldn't return to my clan, at least not yet. Not until all this was over. I miss the Brecilian forest. The forest was so peaceful and free, the trees were tall, and there were no buildings. Unlike Haven. Haven doesn't feel free, especially to me. It wasn't peaceful, there was always noise and something going on. The giant hole in the sky didn't help either. Outside the walls of Haven there was a small forest and a frozen lake. I wasn't allowed to go very far, but I spent most of my time there. It was peaceful, more like home. I don't think it helped me to feel more at home, if anything it made me more homesick. But now, this home of mine is gone, taken from me because I had no other choice than to destroy it.

I had gained enough strength in my legs to stand. I used my long thin arms to block out the snow still blowing around in the strong winds. My feet sunk deep into the snow with each step I took, I had to pull myself out before I could continue. I'm making progress, slowly, but progress. There was a small pile of rocks nearby, I focused on reaching them. They weren't very far away, nor were there very many of them, but it took what felt like an age (Dragon Age - I'm so funny). I stopped by them to look around and try to catch my breath. I could see something in the distance, I can't make out what it is. I started towards the mysterious object, but half way there, my legs gave out on me. I fell to my knees and sank into the snow. The snow was so cold my body felt like it was frozen. I willed myself to go on, taking my time rising back on to my feet. Fire. The mysterious object is the remains of a recently burnt out fire. People had been through here. Probably the people from Haven I ordered to go through the Nothern path. I hurried to see if I could catch up, but breathing was difficult. I stopped and leant against a rock face to catch my breath. I heard voices.

"Who is it?"
"I don't know I can't see yet."

I could see figures starting to form

"It's her, it's Miríel!"

The figures ran to me, Solas' face was the last I saw as my legs gave out and my vision went black.

I woke up to Mother Giselle sitting on a stool near the bed I had been laid on. I turned, feeling the soft fur beneath my hands. I ran the fur between my fingers as I brought my hand to my face. I rubbed my eyes then lifted myself up to a sitting position.

"You're awake."

I looked around, taking in my surroundings. There were people lying on beds of their own, tents were everywhere, as was the snow. Cullen, Leliana, Josephine, and Cassandra were standing in a circle, arguing.

"They've been at it since we found you." Mother Gisele noticed that I was watching them.

"I should go talk to them." I lifted the blanket from over me.

"No my dear, it will only make things worse." She placed one hand on my knee to stop me.

"I'll calm them down, don't worry." I smiled convincingly as I removed her hand and stood up.

The four turned to face me as they noticed I had woken up. I said very few words before Mother Giselle started singing. Eventually, everyone joined in.

Shadows fall and hope has fled
Steel your heart, the dawn will come
The night is long and the path is dark
Look to the sky for one day soon
The dawn will come

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