5 - Skyhold

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"Varric how's it going?" I leant against the table edge he was seated at.

"Eh you know just writing some letters." He folded his arms on the table conveniently over the papers.

"Any to Bianca?" I could hear coughing from in Solas' study.

"No can't risk it since we went to Valammar. If anyone found out we had been near each other I would be dead."

"Ir abelas Varric." I put my hand on his shoulder.

He looked up and smiled his half smile, "It's fine Inquisitor it's just something we both have to deal with."

"Well, I'll leave you alone to your letters." I took my hand back.

"Thanks, Inquisitor."

I opened the door to Solas' study and walked up to his desk where the chair's back was to me. I tapped the side of the chair to see if it would turn.

Someone coughed behind me and gave me a fright. I jumped which knocked the chair spinning it to face me. "Over here Inquisitor."

I turned to just in time to see Solas' hand drop the open book on his face back over his eyes. He was lying on the couch with one leg bent and the other half off the edge. One hand was behind his head and the other dangled down the arm of the couch. He started coughing again as I walked towards him.

Kneeling down on the floor by his head, I placed my hand on the edge of the couch by his chest.

"Solas are you sick?"

He groaned as he tried to sit up and I put both hands on him to stop him. I realized where my left hand was and quickly moved it from his upper thigh. I didn't move my hand on his chest.

"Yes, I think I am."

"Oh Solas, what's wrong?" I slowly pulled the book away from his face and lay it down on the floor.

"Everything just aches and bright lights hurt my eyes. My throat feels like I'm swallowing glass shards and I don't understand this." He was squinting his eyes in attempts to keep out the light.

I placed my hand on top his head gently. " Sounds like you have a bad cold, I guess you haven't been around this many sick and injured soldiers before to really get sick. Come, I'll take to my quarters and look after you until you get better."

Slowly, while holding my hand, Solas got up from the couch. It wasn't until we reached the door out of his study that he dropped my hand and opened the door for us. Once inside the stairway to my quarter's door, he took my hand again. I blushed and turned away.

"I hope you don't mind Inquisitor."

"Not at all" I looked from the corner of my eye to see him also looking away.

He lay down on my bed which was off centre in the room. I like being closer to the window, it has a direct view of the moon hovering above the white mountain top. I kneeled at the side of the bed, one hand on the bedside table to balance myself, the other still holding his.

I slowly drag my hand away for his despite everything telling me not to because I might not get this chance again.
I use the bedside table to help me stand and walked towards the double doors. Solas had a temperature, so I opened one door to let in the cold air. I closed the curtains for every window other than the one over the open door.

Hesitating at the last window, I debate with myself whether I should stop myself from curling up next to him or not. Deciding I shouldn't, I tell him I'll be back before I descend the many, many stairs down to the kitchen.

As I carefully balanced a cup of hot tea and a small sandwich on a tray, I back into the room to open the heavy door with my body weight. I place the tray on the bedside table and lightly tap Solas' shoulder to see if he was still awake. A low muffled grunt emerged from under his arm, thrown across his face, covering his eyes.

"Solas I bought you some tea with some herbs mixed in, it will help soothe your throat and allow you to eat the sandwich I bought. I know eating with a sore throat is alway difficult, but you need to and the tea will make it easier. C'mon please sit up for me Solas." He wouldn't budge for what felt like forever. I poked his shoulder again to see if that would help.
I couldn't tell if he was still awake or not, and I moved my face closer to his to see his eyes half hidden by his arm.
He moved his arm back to reveal his half open eyes to me.

"Must I drink it now?" I stared at his sleepy face for as long as it was appropriate to not respond. After taking in the details of his half closed eyelids that made his eyelashes look longer, his multicoloured eyes blackening in the darkness of the crook of his elbow, his freckles fading into his complexion, hidden by the shadow, I simply said 'yes', as it was all my racing heart allowed to escape my lips. They tingled with the want of his lips on my own, I had to move away before I gave them what I wanted.

"Sit up and drink the tea, it will help." I sighed to catch up on my breathing and slow my racing heart. This ... issue .... has been here for a while, and I've done well to suppress these emotions. Today just hasn't been a good day. I breathed out once more before I looked at him, sipping the tea. His nose crinkled with each sip he took.

"Do you not like tea, Solas?"

"No, I don't. But if it helps I will drink it. I've never felt like this before and to get rid of this awful feeling quicker, the better, whether I hate tea or not."

After he suffered through the cup of tea, he softly picked apart the sandwich, eating the content first, leaving the slices of bread for last. He slid down slightly, closed his eyes, and rested his hands, with his long fingers linked together, across his stomach. I carried the tray back down to the kitchen.

I returned to my quarters with a damp cloth to find Solas now asleep, fully lying down on his side, curled up in a loose ball facing out. I placed the folded damp cloth over his forehead to help with his temperature.
I gave into my wants and lay down next to him, leaving a small gap between us for his comfort.
I lay on my side facing his back, keeping myself propped up by my elbow. I lifted my small hand to his face and used checking his temperature as an excuse to caress him. It wasn't long and I accidentally fell sleep.

My hand was still resting on his cheek when I woke up, he had turned to face me and the damp cloth had fallen mostly off his face.
I subconsciously softly stroked his face as I stared at him, taking in the new details of his face. When he sleeps, he looks as innocent as a child, his lips are parted slightly, and his pointed chin rests against his chest as he hugs himself in a half ball.
I closed my eyes and daydreamed as I waited for Solas to wake up.
Something pressed against my forehead for a long moment and I opened my eyes to see Solas moving back to where he was.

"Oh, Inquisitor. I didn't realise you were awake. I'm sorry."  His eyes were wide in shock.

I moved closer to him, our faces were almost touching.
"It's fine Solas."

"Thank you for caring for me Inquisitor."

"Please don't call me Inquisitor, it's too formal. Please call me Miriel. I hear Inquisitor from everyone else, it would be a nice break from the title."

"How about I call you vhenan?"

I blushed deeply as I translated the pet name from elvish in my head.
"I'd like that."

He presses his lips against mine for a second, and when he pulled away I brought myself back to his lips and kissed him back, a kiss that felt like it lasted an eternity. An eternity I wouldn't mind living in.

I'm sorry I struggled with this part, I really liked the idea to have Solas as the 'weak' one instead of the Inquisitor which I seem to have been leaning towards, but I can't imagine Solas actually getting sick.

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