3 - Emerald Graves

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Solas' slender hand tucked the stray strand of hair back behind my ear, his eyes looked into my own. It was as if I was becoming lost in an ocean, miles beneath the waves of memories of the Fade that he possesses. His eyes lit up as he told me one of those many memories. His fascination lay in the story, mine within his eyes. I don't know who moved closer, but soon we were close enough to touch. He paused to kiss me once, briefly, followed by a second more passionate kiss. He continued his story, our foreheads pressed together, occasionally his lips would brush my own, causing sparks to ignite between us. Soon the want drowned out his story and we kissed again, this time it was a long while before we parted.

I sat up instantly, taking a deep breath as I processed what I had just dreamt. I didn't recognize where we were, there was a river nearby, with lots of trees turning almost everything in sight green. We were sitting leaning against a tree across from the clear river as he told me a story from the Fade, about a child seeing the giants wherever we were for the first time. But that wasn't the important bit. The important bit happened after he brushed my hair back. I had to take a deep breath as I thought about my dream, trying to prevent myself from blushing. Much to my dismay, it didn't stop me turning a lovely shade of crimson. I've had similar thoughts when I've been around him, it's just never been this vivid before, or had these thoughts in my sleep. I haven't accepted any feelings I may have for him, so the idea of me now dreaming of him terrifies me and feels wrong. We wouldn't suit. It feels wrong to think like this when he's shown no interested in me romantically at all. It would never work anyway. Pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind, I got out of bed and dressed for the day. By the time I was leaving my bedroom, the dream had mostly faded from memory.

"Inquisitor." I cringed. The dream came flooding back to me at once.

I slowly turned around to face Solas, who was standing just outside the door to his office.

"Solas, how can I help?" I realized that I sounded rather insensitive and cringed again.

"It sounds as if you are the one who needs help, is everything alright Inquisitor?" He took a step closer to me.

"Yes just had a bad dream and little sleep that's all." He frowned when I said bad dream.

"Then perhaps you should go back to sleep, then later you should join us for a game of Wicked Grace, or if you'd rather I know that Cullen and Dorian have been playing chess against each other the last few days, you could join them or maybe we could play."

"I'd love to play either game with you Solas. I can't go back to sleep, I have work I must attend to. Once it is dealt with I'll come find you and we'll play?"

"It sounds like a wonderful plan. I'll leave you to your work then, I shall be in my study." He smiled as a goodbye.

"See you later." I smiled as his back turned to me.

I spent the rest of the day thinking about Solas and spending time with him later. The distraction proved to be quite an irritating for the injured I was helping to tend to.

In the late hours of the night, the not quite tipsy lot of us decided to play never have I ever. The lot being Blackwall, Leliana, Josephine, Cullen, Solas and I. Cassandra and Sera were here earlier but left for bed a short while ago. It was random things at first like never have I ever pranked someone as a child. Then it became more personal.

"Solas, unrelated, but Sera and I were talking before and we have a question." Blackwall slammed his drink against the table side in attempts to put his drink down as he said this.

"Sera's involved this won't be good."

"Have you ever done, you know, with spirits in the Fade?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

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