When Pillows Lie

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Sorry for the late update everyone, life got in the way. I hope this chapter makes up for it! You guys are really going to hate me for it though...

All I can say is... Dang, Heba. Two words: Anger Management.


//Atemu to Yuugi//

\\Yuugi to Atemu\\

-word- : emphasis

'...' - thoughts

Disclaimer: If I owned Yu-Gi-Oh!, this would be straight, in-your-face canon.



Chapter Ten: When Pillows Lie

Ancient Egypt, Three Thousand Years Ago

It wasn't until a few days later when Mahado reported a lead on Bakura's whereabouts.

Mahado had returned to the palace briefly to acquire a squad of guards before quickly disappearing into the desert, heading in the direction of the Valley of Kings. Heba hadn't been there when Mahado had his audience with Atemu, having been off to get the Pharaoh a snack, but from what Atemu grumbled to her a peddler had given Mahado the information. The man wouldn't say how, but it was all Mahado had had to go on so he'd promptly seen to the matter.

Normally Heba would've brushed it off, completely aware Master Mahado could more than handle the task, but the mere fact that it was Bakura he was chasing caused a deep pit of foreboding to swell in her stomach. Something about this whole thing didn't feel right, and it wasn't just her who felt that way. Mana voiced her concerns in true Mana fashion, proclaiming her desire to accompany Mahado on his mission to anyone who would listen. Atemu was better at hiding his worry, keeping it behind a calm mask, but Heba knew him well enough to know that he wished he could be in Mahado's place.

That foreboding stayed with her all day and even into the night, tainting her dreams with images of Bakura destroying -everything- he touched. One even escalated into a nightmare of Atemu at the mercy of Bakura's hideous demon creature, the snake-like tail preparing to strike --

Heba sat up with a strangled gasp and clutched at the fabric above her heart, clenching it tightly in her hand and breathing in quick and deep. Her heart was beating erratically in its cage, the skin pulsating warmly through her shift. That dream had been way too real. Heba took in another deep breath in an attempt to slow her racing heart and closed her eyes. She quietly reasoned to herself that such a thing would never happen, Atemu was simply too good a fighter and duelist to ever be in such a position. Eventually her heart slowed and she let out a relieved sigh, which was followed by a quiet, dry chuckle. She always had the strangest dreams.

Heba opened her eyes and stared at the light escaping the window above her cot. The light was too bright for some strange reason...

Heba felt her face drain of color as she realized exactly why the light was too bright and, with a strangled 'eep' noise, clumsily rushed off her cot. Heba quickly brushed her fingers through her hair as she ran past the other empty cots in the room and made a beeline for the kitchens. Her face whitened some more as she ran past a few windows and saw how high the sun was. By its position in the sky she could tell she wasn't too late, but if she didn't hurry then Atemu would miss his morning meeting with the nobles!

With that constantly nagging the back of her brain Heba pushed herself faster, feeling her lungs burn from exertion. She jumped into the kitchens and grabbed a silver bowl of fruits from the table, barely giving the cooks the time of day, before running back into the hallway and making a break for Atemu's room. Heba muttered incoherently under her breath, cursing her idiocy. How could she have overslept? She hadn't been up too late, and the dreams she'd had that night were anything but pleasant. If anything, Heba should've woken up earlier than normal!

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