Crimson Eyes and Hung up Idiots

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Ello! Here's Chapter Two of 'I am Heba'


Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!. If I did, Heba would so definitely be a character. And male.


//Atemu to Yuugi//

\\Yuugi to Atemu\\

-word- : extra emphasis

'...' - thoughts


Chapter Two: Crimson Eyes and Hung Up Idiots

Ancient Egypt, Three Thousand Years Ago

The early morning rays of sunlight streamed through her eyelids. With a groan Heba shuttered her eyes, laying her arm above her face to block the light. She really didn't want to get up. The other slaves who shared her quarters were already out and about, getting ready for their own day. Heba let out a deep breath and, pursing her pink lips, glared at the ceiling.

Mornings were not her thing.

A slave master screamed somewhere down the hall. "Get up insects! Stop wasting time!"

And they would continue to not be her thing.

With a defeated sigh Heba cleaned her space and immediately set out to work. She pulled her fingers through her tangled dark locks along the way to the kitchens. It only served to make several of the strands rise up and defy gravity, but at least it didn't look like a bird's nest. Heba put one of her long golden bangs behind her ear and quickened her step.

In one of the kitchens a plate of fruits sat on a clay table. Heba took one and swiftly bit into it, keeping back a moan as the delicious juices swirled in an abundance of flavor in her mouth. One of the cooks raised a hand in greeting, to which Heba returned. Heba ate the rest of her fruit in a matter of bites and went into the next kitchen to grab a platter of tarts. Other dishes of varying delicacies resided on the table with the tarts and even more were still being baked.

Heba pondered the dishes as she left the room. The Pharaoh must be craving sweets this morning. There appeared to be enough to feed an entire army.

"Morning Heba." rasped a tired, irritated voice beside her. Heba grinned at her best friend, who was carrying a large tray of various fruits. "Good morning Jono. Wide awake I see!"

Jono huffed, his pale face contorting into an angry pout creepily similar to hers earlier that morning. "Wide awake my mentula. I despise mornings." Heba chuckled at her friend's mood. It was evident Jono was out of it whenever he cursed in his native tongue, Latin he called it. It wasn't uncommon for Jono to be this way, in fact he was like this every morning - had been even when the two met several months ago. Heba was sure he'd been that way for far longer but she hadn't been a Palace slave then.

They walked in companionable silence to the Great Hall. Heba sneaked a glance at her friend and to her dismay saw the dark circles under his eyes. It contrasted sharply with his fair, muscled frame and golden hair. His warm chocolate eyes were unusually dim this early in the morning. There was tired but then there was TIRED. "Are you alright Jo?"

"Completely." Jono yawned his response. Heba didn't press further; she knew how it was.

They entered the Great Hall and were immediately joined by fellow slaves. In an almost synchronized fashion those with food placed the trays on the long, ornate wooden table. As only the Pharaoh and his Queen and son would be dining there that morning all the food was placed near the head of the table. Slaves who weren't carrying food quickly set the table and placed pillows where they knew the family would be sitting. Several poured water into the goblets beside the plates.

The scurrying was over as quick as it had begun. Palace guards quickly doubled in number to signal the coming arrival of the Royal Family. Many of the slaves left the Great Hall to attend to other chores. Only a handful, Heba and Jono included, were left behind to serve. A female servant Heba barely knew gave Heba a pitcher to carry and disappeared just as the doors opened. On queue the remaining slaves hugged the walls and bowed their heads.

The Pharaoh's deep voice boomed around the Hall as he and his family ate, but the two friends weren't paying attention to what he was saying. They usually didn't, it wasn't their place to know anyway. Jono's stomach rumbled quietly when the smells of breakfast reached his nose. Heba chuckled, much to Jono's chagrin. 'I guess I should've grabbed another pear this morning. Jono usually can't go long without food.' Heba thought, amused.

"Water." called the Pharaoh. Heba could sense eyes on her. Why were the slaves looking at her?

"Heba," hissed Jono, "You have the water today."

"What? Oh!" Heba stared wide eyed at the pitcher, as if seeing it for the first time, and quickly moved forward. She stumbled briefly but regained her footing. Cheeks burning, Heba poured more water into the Pharaoh's goblet. She noticed that she only went to the Pharaoh's shoulder - and he was sitting.

'Gods I'm short.' Heba thought suddenly. It's not like that was new, though. Everyone was taller than her. At the tender age of seventeen Heba had only reached five foot three inches in height with no sign of growing any taller. It made her angry sometimes, but no helping nature right?

The Queen, ever beautiful with long black hair, sunkissed skin and blonde bangs framing her heart shaped face, motioned for Heba to pour her more water too. Heba did so and took a step back. Realizing she should probably fill up the Prince's goblet as well Heba padded to him and began to fill it. From the corner of her eye Heba saw the prince lift his muscular arm (well defined at that too) and take a tart from his plate.

Heba felt odd. Someone was watching her...

Heba stepped back and slowly made her way to Jono. Once to a decent distance away from the family Heba looked around her, eyes darting to every face she could see until stopping on the Prince himself.

He was watching her.

Heba felt her breath catch in her throat. Her cheeks flamed with heat. Why was he looking at her? This was the first time Heba had ever gotten a good look at his face. Normally she either saw his back for the briefest of moments or the side of his face during meals but never, ever had she seen him dead on.

How had she not seen him before? This boy was drop-dead gorgeous. He had his mother's sunkissed copper skin and her tri-colored ebony hair. Blonde bangs both surrounded his sharp, angled face and shot through his spiky hair. Red tipped the edges. Muscles curved and rippled across his arms and Heba wouldn't doubt it extended to his other limbs and his chest. None of that, however, held Heba's attention. It was his serious crimson eyes that she focused on, how they seemed to stare through her and into her very soul.

Heba gulped as she took her place beside her friend. Her hands shook slightly. Water rippled within the pitcher.

"Heba?" Jono gave her a worried, confused look. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah... Everything is... Everything's fine." Heba said, being the first to break eye contact. The Prince looked away from her and she relaxed. Jono looked dubious. "I'm fine." Heba reassured, flashing a soft smile that reached her large, amethyst eyes.

"If you say so..." Jono trailed, nodding in concession. His eyes said otherwise though.

Heba looked down again and bit her lip. Her heart thumped dangerously within her. She was surprised Jono couldn't hear it. 'Control yourself Heba,' her thoughts instructed, 'He was just looking at you, there's no need to get in such a fuss about it. Calm down.'

Heba took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Her heart slowed to a normal rate. Good. Anger then bloomed in her chest and Heba took the moment to mentally smack herself. What was she doing? He was a Prince for Ra's sake, of course he'd look pretty! There's absolutely no reason to be so hung up over this!

Heba scrunched her face, nostrils flaring. She was being an idiot. He was an idiot. Everyone was an idiot!




In case you're wondering what a mentula is... let's just say it's pretty vulgar. According to what I learned, anyway. It seemed like something Jono (or, rather, Joey) would say though!

Hope you enjoyed!

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