First Name Basis

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Is this real life or fantasy? There's an 'italics' option now! Holy crap. I'm using my computer instead of my laptop more often! *insert happy squee here* Anyway, it's here! Yay for Chapter Four! It takes place two weeks after Chapter Three. Enjoy!~


//Atemu to Yuugi//

\\Yuugi to Atemu\\

-word- : extra emphasis

'...' - thoughts

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!. If I did, Kaiba would be creepily cheery throughout the entire series. (Bonus if you get the reference<3)


Chapter Four: First Name Basis

Ancient Egypt, Three Thousand Years Ago

In the slaves' quarters Heba again found herself bombarded by questions from many of the other female slaves. Most of the girls inquired as to what the Prince was like in the few days Heba had been to dance for him. However a few questions were, well, a bit smutty. And blush inducing, much to Heba's embarrassment.

"What's it like being his personal attendant?"

Heba bit her lip. "I don't think I'd call it being a personal attendant..."

"Is he as kind as rumor leads him to be?" To this Heba nodded. The Prince was exceedingly kind and strong and...

'Woah,' she thought, frowning at the direction her thoughts were going, 'Down Heba.'

"Does he have you do things for him??" asked another. Confused, Heba tilted her head. The girl clarified with a roll of her dark eyes. "Are you a pleasure slave now or something?"

Heba blushed profusely. Irritation and embarassment bloomed like a flower in her chest. "No!" she snapped, putting her fists on her hips. "I am most certainly not a pleasure slave! He hasn't asked me to do anything of the sort, only to dance for him! Ra, I'm still chaste! Last I checked I was still Heba, slave and dancer. Nothing more." Heba's blush darkened at the thought of being -that- close to the Prince. She'd be lying if she said she didn't think of the idea sometime in the past few days. But all the Prince had asked of her was to dance for him, and each time he had asked her whether or not she would mind doing it. Heba smiled, feeling her body grow warm. Her heart fluttered happily.

Key word there. Mind. He always asked if it was okay with her. Of course, Heba always said yes. Not that he expected anything else, Heba was sure. He was a Prince, and therefore, spoiled. But... he didn't seem that way, at least not during the few times they'd actually had conversation. Heba wondered briefly what would happen if she ever said no? Nothing she'd bet as it was almost inconceivable for Heba to say no. The joy of having a choice with him was simply too much and to repay such a gift with a no was just... No.

Plus, Heba enjoyed dancing for him. Not that she'd ever admit that out loud. 'Goodness gracious, what is going on with me?' It couldn't be possible that she was falling for the Prince, right?

Hah, what an absurd thought.

Jono was her savior. "Alright ladies," he said, putting an arm around Heba's shoulders and flashing a pearly white smile at the girls, "Sorry to break this party up but I'm afraid I need Heba's services. We have a rematch I need to get back to winning," Groans of disappointment emitted from their fellow slaves as Jono lead Heba away to a makeshift gameboard on the other side of the room.

Heba heaved a sigh of relief and smiled thankfully at her friend. "Thanks Jono. They were getting into 'pleasure slave' territory again."

"No problem Heba." Jono grinned playfully at her. "But I wasn't lying when I said we had a game to get back to. I want that rematch." Heba giggled and nodded in understanding as they took their seats. Heba eyed the board and smiled gently. Ah, Senet. The checkered board was already prepared with the fourteen game pieces necessary for play. So that was what Jono was referring to by 'rematch.' The last time they'd played Heba had defeated Jono pretty badly, but in his defense it was his third time playing the game and he was still learning. Jono had drastically improved every time though and Heba had no doubts he'd be even better this go around.

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