I'll Wait For You

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Author's Note: Dedicated to my lovely,slightly stubborn, little friend Grace. Love you xxxxxxxxxx

I arrived at the pegola and had painful flashbacks of me and Gabe. The real me and Gabe. We'd been to this pegola and this park many times when we'd been together as Arianne and Gabe. We'd had picnics and played games and weaved in and out of the freezing cold sprinklers in summer time. I shook the memories out of my head and checked my phone. It was 5:15pm. She'd got 45 minutes to come to me and if she didn't, we were over. Forever. I couldn't imagine my life without her. She'd been there everytime I'd ever needed her and she'd gone along with my craziest plans, like making her dress up as Arianne. That didn't turn out great but she didn't object. That's what Dana's like... she never objects because she only wants to make me happy. I laid my head on the arm of the swing and closed my eyes, falling into a restless sleep. 

I woke up with a start. The sun was beginning to set on the glossy white roof of the bandstand and I figured it must have been coming up to 6pm. I was right, if a bit overdue. 6:03pm. Dana still hadn't turned up, disappointingly. Our friendship was over. How could she do this? I knew she was stubborn and everything but I never thought she'd be so careless as to throw it all away over a boy. We always said we'd stay together, no matter what. This was what broke us up? God, maybe we weren't as strong as we thought.

I stood up shakily and began walking to the exit slowly. I heard someone running towards me but tears clouded my eyes before I could see. They were panting breathlessly and their footsteps showed no sign of slowing down. I sensed that they would bang into me but I didn't move.

'Arianne!' They were screaming my name.

'Ooof!' I said, falling to the floor and landing flat on my arse.

'Why didn't you move, you oaf?' Dana asked, pulling me up.

'I didn't want to,' I said, sulking and rubbing the bottom of my back.

'Well then.'

'Yeah, well then.'

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