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  • Dedicated to Grace Wright

7 Days Later.......

'Kaelie!' Gabe screamed.

'Gabey!' I screamed back, mockingly.

'Yeah, yeah babe, leave off,' Gabe said, kissing me gently.

'Where's Arianne?' I said, my tummy churning nervously as we arrived at a snacks table in a quiet room, the complete opposite to the noisy disco across the hall. I picked up a handful of Mini Cheddars (my favourite) and a plastic cup of fruit punch.

'I don't know. I think I saw her earlier but it was just a glance. Do you want to go and look for her?' Gabe asked, already making his way to the door to enter the disco. I stood rooted to the spot.

'You know, maybe we should let her find us. That way, she can have a good time before we ruin her night by telling her we're in love and you've been cheating on her due to the aforementioned,' I said. Gabe turned on his heel and looked me in the eyes.

'I've told you, Ari will be okay. She won't judge you or me, I think she's in more of a place to be understanding of love than anyone.'

'Mmmm, okay. Let's find her,' I said, reluctantly.

Why was I so nervous? After all it wasn't the real Arianne.

Maybe this went deeper than just being Kaelie... maybe my inner Arianne was trying to show me what I really felt.

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