Epic Fail: Stalker extraodinaire

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Author's Note: Hello! Since I'm one of those shameless liars who told you guys that I'm going to upload sooner and I didn't, I made this chapter longer. 

Once again I want to thank you for your support. The nice comments and votes I received warmed my heart. Seriously. 

If you still like this story and think I deserve, plase don't forget to comment and vote. Thank you so much.

Epic Fail (SEVEN): Stalker Extraordinaire

Monday morning I was in a haze as I searched for Josh around the school. My day got ten times worse when I heard that his apparent disappearance was because of a fight with Stephen. I swore to the grilled cheese sandwich if I saw the smallest scratch on Josh's face I would go to that blonde aggressor's house and shave his precious hair off.

I also heard that Ruby was in fact a new student and that damned school trip was her first encounter with the specimens from our school. I wanted to pity her for moving here but my mind was thinking of ways to ditch school and visit my...my...my...

What the hell was Josh to me anyway? We were somehow more than friends but less then lovers. So it wasn't a friendship or a relationship...it was a flirtationship.


After a rather boring math class where all I've done was to write the wrong date on top of the page and struggled to understand what the teacher was writing on the board, I decided it was the time to take the lead and ditch Monday. Who the hell liked that day anyway?

I took my belongings and looked around in an attempt to find one of Josh's friends or someone who could possibly know where was he living his attractive boy life. And I was ready to give up and head to my next class when I saw a really muscled dude in football attire and I instantly recognized him as the guy who made the comments during the bus ride and who also sad next to Josh.

"Hey!" I called after him but he didn't seem to hear me. "Hey! Big guy in the football thingie!"

He finally turned in my direction and rose an eyebrow expectantly, like I would jump him in any moment.

"I need you to tell me Josh's home address," I said and fished out a pen and a piece a paper from my backpack, handing them in his direction. However he ignored my extended arms and crossed his.

"What would I do that?"

Ducking monkey! I had no time for foolish questions.

I placed my hands on my hips and looked up at him. Why were Josh and his friends so intimidating? A pack of nerds wearing polo shirts would be more approachable. "Because I need to see him."

"Are you one of those crazed admirers?" His eyes trailed up and down my body, trying to understand what his friend would see in a social outcast like me.

"No. We are...in a flirtation—uhm...we are friends. Also, if you don't give me the damn address I'm going to follow you around for the rest of the day and I'll occasionally jump on your back in an attempt to tackle you down. So you'd better do what's best for you."

The football dude looked at me as if what I was saying to him was either in another language either too stupid to be taken seriously. And just to prove my thoughts he started laughing his ass off.

"You...tackle...me," he said between fits of laughter.

"So are you going to give me the address or not?"


I was ready to smack him across the head with my backpack when Ruby suddenly appeared next to the dude.

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