Chapter 13: The Mermaids return with a Lions Love

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Lucy, Jim and the other saw Ariel lying on the ground in her merform, Mushu got off Jim's back and rushed over to Ariel with Lucy. Lucy placed her hand on Ariel's risk to find a pulse as Jim rushed towards them. Lucy looked at Jim and said sadly, "She gone. I'm so sorry Jim" Jim's heart was breaking in two as he held his tears back in his eyes and said, "Can you do anything to bring her back?" Lucy stood up and said, " Sadly no, My powers has its limits and can't bring her back but unless you get my talisman back". Jim then picked up Ariel and said as he sobbed, "Please come back to me..." Kayley then saw the door of darkness was opening. Kayley then said, "Hey guy the doors are opening" Lucy looked at the doors as she saw Slim coming out of the shadows. Slim laughed evilly and said, "Aw, How cute. A monster with his Mermaid Princess. How romantic, Let's just say her hunting days are over" Jim looked up and his anger started to rise as he put Ariel down. He then said angerly , "Bring her back!" Slim laughed and said, "Know why would I do that, I'm giving two old friends the less of a hassle of killing her" Jim's anger grew and Lucy know he about exploded and she then grabbed Jim by the shoulder and said, "Jim calm down we will find away to bring her back, Slim won't do anything unless it a deal agreement or a fight". Slim then said, "Aw my dearest Lucy, coming to stop me releasing the once that started it all" Lucy walked towards him and said as she was giving Jim a signal to attack him, "Why would I do that Slim?"

Slim chuckled and said as he chokes at the same time, "Was that your best Lucy" Lucy laughed and said, "why do you need Maleficent and Eris? Because you're the one who helped me in the first place to in prison the" Slim then said as he was trying to break free of Jim's grip, "Well you can just say me and Maleficent had a daughter name Lily" Lucy went into shock for a second as she recognised the same of her Stepsisters Mother's name. Kayley saw Ariel's friends trapped in their mer-forms. Tiana said, "Get them germs bracelets they help us change back into our human forms when the full moon comes around" Kayley got the germ bracelets and gave them the bracelets as she asked, "How come your mermaids?" Tiana then said as she put on her necklace and transformed back into a human, "We explain later but for now we getting out of here." Charlottle and Meg turned back Into their human forms and they all got out the cage. "Here this is Ariel's it will turn her back into a human" They all started running down the mountain. Eric saw them escape and said, "Sir the prisoners they expecting" Slim finally got Jim off him and yelled as he throws the lion off him, "Well, Get them back!"

Without know, Mushu made it to the Talisman and got hold of it. He then threw it on the floor very hard and making it break. Slim ran over to the broken talisman, "No...No!".Then these symbols a pied and surrounding him. Slim said, "How am I ever going to repay my debt" He then grasped as the creaters surround him. He then said, "Friends?"

~Are you ready?~

He then said, "No. I'm not ready at all. In fact I was much better than Lucy remember. Come on. I have more pans"

~Are you ready~

He then said, "This is just a minor set back" Lucy laughed and said "as a new talisman formed around her neck, "Sorry Slim my creates want their true Queen back" Slim gasped as the door of Darkness opened and Lucy blasted him into it. He screamed, "NO!"


And the doors closed. Lucy hand control over her creates once again. Ariel's soul then came out of her new talisman, "They you are" Lucy said grabbing Ariel's soul. Lucy then rushed over towards where Jim and Ariel's body were. Lucy then said, "Here's her soul Jim". Lucy placed the soul inside the mermaid and her color returns to Ariel as she grasped for air. Lucy then said, " Ariel dear, you're okay. Calm down your safe" Jim grabbed his angels hand and said, "Thank you, Lucy," Lucy smiled and said, "Now Jim listen the Grand Council will hear about this and this great war begin sooner than you think".

Ariel fluttered her eyes and as she opened them wide and saw Jim as she smiled, he placed his hand on her cheek. She then said, "Jim. What happened?" Jim and smiled and said, "We save you with help from Lucy the Timelord". Jim looked up to see Lucy had disappeared. Ariel then said, "What's a matter?" Jim smiled and said, "Nothing, I'm glad your safe, That all that matters" Ariel smiled as she sat up, "I love you Jim" Jim then said, "I love you too truly do baby" Jim said as he pulled Ariel in for a kiss and as they broke the kiss. Mushu then ran over to them and said, "Ariel, Kayley got this from your friends" Ariel smiled and said as she put her necklace back on, "Thank you Mushu" Ariel transformed back into her human form. Ariel then asked, "Where're my friends?". Jim then said, "They made a run for it earlier, When we were trying to save you" Ariel smiled and said, "Okay I hope they safe" Jim then smiled as he asked, "Why didn't you tell me your friends were from your world". Ariel smiled as she explains to Jim, "Lets just say they wanted to move on from that world, So I didn't think of bringing it up" Jim understood what Ariel meant and smiled to her as he said, "Okay, well at movement I just wanna make sure you're okay" Ariel smiled as she hugged Jim.

Suddenly the mountain began to rumble and Jim said as he transformed, "Come on, Let's get out of here" Ariel hopped onto Jim's back and grabbed Mushu running down it. Kayley and Cale saw what was happening and transformed into them forms and headed down.

Sinbad and the others saw what was happening to the mountain, Sinbad then thought, 'I hope the kids are okay' They then saw figures coming their way. Sinbad saw Ariel and the others. Sarah ran over to them and said, " Are you all okay?" They all nodded to the lioness as Jane asked, "Where's Slim?" Mushu then said, "Lucy took care of him by blasting him into the doors of darkness leading him to the under world" Jim then said, "I'm guessing we won't be seeing him again" Silver then said, "Where is Lucy? And what about the Wolf guy, Eric?" Jim then shrugged his shoulders as he said, "Lucy just disappeared after we saved Ariel and that Wolf, He got away, I think?" Ariel then said, "So do you think its over?" Sinbad looked up and said, "Let's hope so"

They all start to head back to the Inn but Ariel stopped walking and looked out to the sea. Jim then noticed Ariel was gone as he looks back to see his angel look at the ocean sea. He then said, walking towards her, "What is it?" Ariel then said as she kept looking at the sea, "Cause it's over now do you think I could do one thing before we go home" Jim then smiled at his angel and asked curiously, "What that then?" Ariel smiled and said taking her necklace off and given it to Jim, "Swim" Ariel ran into the sea and in front of Jim's eyes she turned into her merform. Jim sat on the beach and watched his angel be the mermaid his know and loves to bits.

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