Chapter 8

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The sunrise hit the Benbow Inn and woke the redhead. Ariel squinted her eyes as the sun's rays hit her face. The redhead yawned and saw that Jim was still asleep on her shoulder. Ariel smiled as she tried to move his head of her as she did, Jim groaned. Ariel giggled as she said, "good morning". Jim then smirked on her shoulder and asked, "How come you never tried to move me?" Ariel then said, " I was about to but now your awake" Jim laughed as he moves his head away. He then ran his hand through her blood red hair, Jim leaned in and Ariel's eyelids were growing heavy.

Jim was then licked by a pink blob and he groaned as he said, "Morph!" Ariel giggled as the pink blob cutely snuggled into Ariel's cheek, "what is it?" she asked. Jim then said, "This is Morph, my grandfather's pet or used to be, he's my pet now". Both teens heard a knock on the door and Milo yelled through the door, "Come on guys, breakfast getting cold" Milo went down stairs as he read a book on the time Lords of old. Ariel quickly magics some clothes on and opened the door and went downstairs, the pink blob followed her. Jim groaned and said as rubbed his face, "way to kill the mood, Morph".

When Ariel came downstairs, the Hawkins family was already eating breakfast. They had waffles to everything she would have for breakfast at home. Sinbad saw the redhead and saw she was wearing different clothing from yesterday, "where did you get them clothes?" Sinbad asked curiously. Ariel said nervously, " I have powers that can change my clothing" Sinbad laughed at the answer and said, "Come on, really?" Ariel then magically transformed her clothes into her hurting outfit. Sinbad and Milo couldn't believe it. "How did you sleep, Ariel?" Sarah asked her changing the subject. " I slept okay, I had Jim with me," Ariel said as she sat down at the table. Milo, Sinbad, and Silver smirked as they saw Jim coming down the stairs. "How did you sleep, son?" Sinbad asked.

Jim shrugged and said, "not bad" silver then asked as he ate his pancakes, "so Jimbo did ya sleep with Ariel last night?" Jane stepped on his right foot and Silver yelled in pain. Jim then answered as he ate a piece of waffle, "yeah, I did. So?" his grandmother eyed him with a look he didn't like. He rolled his eyes and said, "I slept on top of the sheets". Jane then smiled and said to her husband, "pull something like that again, you lose the other eye"

Just then a little white bird came flying through a opened window and landed onto Ariel's plate, it had a letter tied to its leg. Ariel untied it and the white bird took off and flow back out through the open window. Jim asked, "who's that from?" Ariel smiled and knew who it's from as she opened the letter. She started to read it and it said, 'Ariel I be gone for a bit longer as the wolfs have found the rest of the remaining merpeople, so at the movement been at the house alone is too dangerous. Get somewhere safe, I'm going to Atlantis. Don't tell anyone what's really going on. I know that doesn't make sense, but I home soon promise. Uncle Stefan.'

Ariel looked up with a worried look. Jim knew something was wrong, "what's is it Ariel? Is everything okay?" Jim asked. Ariel smiled and said, "yeah my uncle gonna be away for more a couple of months as he's meeting went very so well it gonna take place his project right away" Sarah said, "until he gets back you can stay with us" Sinbad smiled at Ariel and said, "you can't tell him your here know, if you do the council might erase your memories even if your a mermaid". Silver then said, "you know he's right" Jane then said, "Silver!" Silver looked at Jim. Everyone in the Hawkins family except Kayley was sad at the thought of Ariel not remembering them.

Kayley got up from her chair and went in front of Ariel as she glared at her. Kayley then said, "you should've never got involved with this family" Jane got up fro her chair and slapped Kayley. Everyone was surprised at Jim's grandmother and what she had just done. Jane then said in a stern tone, "Stop living in the past Kayley. Stop blaming Ariel for what happened back then" Kayley then yelled, "she took him from me, she took Eric away from me". Ariel was shocked to her this and asked, "you knew Eric?" Kayley then looked at the redhead with anger and growled, "he told me he loved me, but then you had to come along and take him away from me" Ariel got up from her chair and walked in front of Kayley, stopping her from leaving the room. "Okay Kayley before you ran upstairs and sob over nothing, I had no idea that you and Eric were together. And guess what he did the same thing to me with an ex-friend of mine. Now you tell me this, did I really take Eric away from you? Or you're just saying that out of your anger for him. If I were you put a brave face on and move on from this pathetic excuse" Ariel said to her. No one could believe what just happened. "one thing is Kayley you don't know what happened to me or about my past, so if I were you I think about who you are blaming and move on!" Kayley looked in shock and ran upstairs and locked her bedroom door. Ariel went over near to the door and picked up her bow and arrows and head out the front door. Hawkins family looked in Shock as Jim, "Ariel! Wait!" Then Jim went after her outside. 

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