Chapter 5: A Song for all

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Ariel look out of her window to see a white sheet spread all over Moonstone. She put on her school uniform winter style clothes and headed downstairs for breakfast. Her uncle was already eating his usual breakfast, tea, eggs, and toast. Ariel sat down and had her breakfast as well. Her uncle then said, "Ariel, I have a meeting with the grand council and I be back late too, so I see you in the morning". Ariel then said, "it's about my father and our home?" Her uncle said, " I'm not sure dear" Before Ariel could say anything, there was a knock on the door and she said, "I'll get it". She ran to the door, opened it and Jim was standing outside with his usual outfit. She then said, "Hi Jim, um... what are you doing here?" He shrugged and said, "I thought I take you to school, you know... After what happened". She giggled and said, "Okay, I'll tell my uncle that I'm going, then we can leave". She closed the door and went back into the dining room and said to her uncle, as she grabbed her bag in a rush, "Uncle Stefan I got a ride today, don't wait up on me" Her Uncle smiled and said, "That fine Ariel, try to be home before sunset because it's a full moon tonight and you know it will turn you into your merform" Ariel nodded her head and ran out of the dining room, out the front door and headed towards Jim's truck.

Meanwhile, at the gym, Mr. Phoebus was setting up the stage considering that he had nothing to do with his class. Marina yelled at the gym teacher, "Phoebus, get down from there you could hurt yourself". Phoebus knew that he couldn't hurt himself even if he tried to and yelled as he set up the stage, "Come on Marina you know I have a job to do and so do you". Marian scoffed at the man, "Err... men" she said to herself. The Louis came running in with a worried look on his face. She then asked, "Louis, what's wrong?" He then answered, "it's him, Mr. Slim". Marina couldn't believe it and yelled, "What?! He was supposed to be here next week, not today". Ms. Who and Dr. Facilier came in. Dr. Facilier said with a grim look on his face, "Things have taken a turn for the worst, Marina". The women look at the doctor with a stern look and said, "look I will deal with that weasel..." Ms. Who then said continue off from what Marina was gonna say, "Yes Marina you deal with him and we get the students ready and we show that man what talent we got here". Marina knew Ms. Who was right and went off to deal with Mr. Slim.

Jim and Ariel were walking side by side to the gym. Little did they know Ariel's gang saw the two of them together. Tiana said with a smile, "now would you look at that?" Charlotte saw the same thing and yelled, "boys! Look at this!" Naveen and Kuzco were having a snowball fight with some other friends of they and heard the blonde calling them over into the inside. When they got to where the girls were, they saw Ariel and the boy who sung yesterday, together. Naveen said, "it looks like Ariel got over Eric" Kuzco couldn't believe this and said, "wait a minute you mean Spitfire got over dance less and went for him?" Charlotte glared at Kuzco and laughed, "Relax, I was only joking but at least he makes her happy". Meg came over and saw the two as she said, "well, well it looks like Ariel got herself a new man after all". Then Ms. Who and Dr. Facilier saw Ariel's gang as Ariel and Jim joined d the group. They called out to them, "All of you better get inside the gym right away. Mr. Slim here" They told them. Tiana and everyone else rushed to inside.

Mr. Slim wasn't an impatient man at all, he wore a suit and on his face, he had a smug of a grin. "Marina, decided to close down the music program, are we?" the brown-haired women said crossing her arms, "not a chance yet. The talent show will go ahead as planned. We not going to lose this program that is over to you". Tiana, Charlotte, and Meg were in their costume all ready and Ariel ran onto the stage in hers. Marina saw them and smirked and said, "here is a little sneak peek of the show. Girls!"

~you change your mind, like a girl change clothes, yeah you pms~

The girls were doing same of moves while singing.

~like a bitch, I would know and you over think Always speak, Cryptically~

~I should know

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