Chapter 12: Mermaid Is out!

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Ariel woke up, to see Jim was not beside her. She got up and put on the necklace Tiana give her last night, to help not transform tonight. She got dressed in her red top along with black leggings. She put on her short black boots and head downstairs. As she came downstairs she saw Sinbad walking out the door and Jim's mother cleaning the dishes. "Sinbad just heading out Ariel, Your breakfast is on the table," Sarah said with a smile as she finished cleaning the dishes. "Thank you, Mrs. Hawkins," Ariel said to her. Sarah smiled and said sitting down, "No problem".

Sarah then asked, "Ariel, I just wondering umm..." Sarah then pauses for a second, "Merlin found something out about you" Ariel stopped eating her breakfast for a second and asked, "Found out what?" Sarah then answered, "That you're a princess from the Kingdom of Atlantica" Ariel then went quiet for a bit and thought to herself, 'What I'm going to do?' she then said thinking quickly, "What? Mrs. Hawkins, When I came here to Moonstone my memory wasn't that great. But me! A Princess? Unlike really? What do you think?" Sarah looked at her and said, "Well, I Dunno Ariel" Ariel then calmed down and quickly changed the subject, "Where's Jim" Ariel asked.

Sarah then said as she was taking Ariel's plate, "I think he said something about getting something formal for the dance tonight" Ariel then took the two extra tickets out from her pocket and asked, "Has Kayley ever gone to a dance" Sarah smiled and knew where the redhead was going with this.

Sinbad reached Phoebus's house and knocked on the door. Zephyr opened the door and yelled, "Dad!" Phoebus saw Sinbad and said to his son, "Thank you Zephyr. How about you go back upstairs and play". His son smiled and headed upstairs. Sinbad said, "Wait until he gets into his teens" Phoebus laughed s he sat down on the chair and said, "Well at least I don't have to worry about that yet" Sinbad smiled and said with concerned, "How's Esmeralda?" Phoebus frowned at the thought of his wife and said, "Still in a coma. Delbert is doing everything he can do for her, Even at the movement, I have Lucy here. She having a look at her to see if she can do anything" Sinbad frowned and said as he changed the subject as he handed the bit of paper to him, "Talking about time lords. Lucy said she help us with what Merlin found about this"

Phoebus looked at the piece of paper and said, "If this happens, The grand council will get involved" Sinbad then bit his bottom lip and said looking at away from Phoebus, "Not just them, Every Kingdom's Council between here and U&I" Phoebus looked at his friend in shock and asked, "Why would all the kingdom's council get involved?" Sinbad then said, " I believes that Ariel could be the last remaining air to the throne of Atlantica" Phoebus looked at Sinbad and said, "really. All the Royal Atlantic's are dead. But we need to stop this from happening or we going to have a war on our hands" Sinbad nodded and said getting up, "Don't worry I won't let that happen, not on my watch. I promise you that as friend" Phoebus nodded in agreement and trusted his old friend and he walked Sinbad to the door. Sinbad then said, "She will come back, Phoebus. You know Lucy can do anything" Phoebus look at Sinbad and said, "I hope you're right, old friend" Sinbad left and Phoebus went to sit with his wife as he waited for her to return.

In town, Sarah and Ariel were hunting for dresses for the dance tonight. Sarah was helping Ariel trying on a dress it was red on top and black long skirt for the bottom. Ariel loved the dress. Sarah smiled and said, "Well?" Ariel then said, "I have to get it" Sarah smiled and said, "Well take it if you want. Also, you need to wear leggings with it, as it has nothing covering the middle part of the skirt part on the dress" Ariel smiled as she looks at the price tag and her face frowned and said, "But it too much, I couldn't let you..." Sarah laughed as she helps Ariel out the dress and said, "Don't be silly, think of it as a welcome present to the family" Ariel smiled at Sarah and pulled the changing room curtain back over and got dressed.

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