Chapter 7

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Luke POV
Two months. It has been two months. This soulmate thing still sucks. I hate to admit it but this pain part of being away from her is getting worse. One time I had a fever and threw up and still went to school just because I HAD to see her. I hate this. I hate her. but I also like the sight of her. Ughhhh. I've been making myself go to bed earlier and earlier just so I don't have to think about her. I don't think I've ever but so not sleep deprived. Nothing else is really new. I still look at her everyday. Except now I can smell her before I see her. Calum says that should go away though. I guess If you go a long time without dating your soulmate you experience other symptoms too. Speaking of which I just got a whiff of coconut and vanilla telling me Alice had walked into the cafeteria. I looked up and saw her sit down at the same table she always sits at. She had pink nail polish on. She didn't yesterday. "Okay man it's time for an intervention" Ashton said suddenly. "What? Why?" I asked. "Mate were actually very're constantly sleeping, you blow us off, and we can see how not speaking with her is hurting you" Calum said. "I'm fine" I said. "No you're not " michael said. "If you're so fine then go talk to her" Calum said. "no way. i can't do that" i said. i looked over and saw her laughing at something her friend had said. Then the craziest thing happened. Suddenly she looked up at me. Alice was looking right into my eyes. She also wasnt looking away. She had the most beautiful eyes. If this moment was to just go on forever i think i would be okay with that. I swear i saw her smile at me just the tiniest bit. I wanted to smile back. i wanted to go up to her and never leave her side. But i also hated everything i felt. i didnt want to get attached. i just want all this to be over. Suddenly her attention was taken from me. There was a boy next to her who started speaking to her frantically. Then they both looked at me. Except this time Alice had that look of fear in her eyes. She looked away immediately and didnt ever look at me again. why do rumors have to be a thing? Her friend obviously told her something to scare her away from me. I also hated that this guy was sitting next to her giving her false information about me. I already hated him but i also knew this she'll reject me soon enough so it's not like it matters. Except part of me hoped she wouldn't ever listen to this guy or anyone else. I wish she could make her own opinion about me. I hoped her opinion of me would be better than everyone elses. Why did i care so much? This is so stupid. I hope her birthday is soon she she can reject me and this will all be over with. "Luke. Mate. You good?" Michael suddenly asked me. "Yeah he's just daydreaming about his soulmate" calum said. "Am not" I mumbled. "So I'm confused. Why can't you talk to her ?" Ashton asked. "Because. I don't need a soulmate. I'm perfectly fine without one" I said. "Bullshit" Ashton said. "What?" I said. "Ok well first of all that's not real because we all can see you longingly  stare at her. And personally I think a punk rock rebel like yourself deserves a beautiful woman" Ashton said. "Besides how do you think she feels?" Michael said. "I mean how can you just decide you don't want a soulmate when you don't even know her. What if you're everything she's ever wanted and always will want" since when did michael get sappy? "I'm just saying" he said. Calum spoke up "he's right mate. What if she changes your life for the better ?" I looked over at her again. She did have a beautiful smile. And I started noticing she made her friends laugh a lot. What was she saying that was so funny? Ugh. I hate this. I didn't want to admit but the idea of just walking right up to her and putting my arm around her and calling her babe....was she the kind of girl who would blush? That'd be cute. But at the same time my mind keeps going back to her rejecting me and honestly that makes more sense so why should I get my hopes up?

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