chapter 1

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Luke POV

Three more days. Three more days until i turn 18. Which means three more days until i find out the name of my soulmate. I should probably explain. Everyone has a soulmate. And on the day of your 18th birthday you wake up with a tattoo of their name on your chest right over your heart. If you were to date or do anything with someone who wasn't your soulmate not only is it a huge deal within society but it's the ultimate betrayal you can do in life. But some people still date other people. I once knew a guy who dated some random girl and when he finally met his soulmate it really messed him up. I haven't heard from him since. But some people don't have that awful luck Which is why you can explain the girl sitting next to me. Her name is Ashley. Or Ashlyn. I don't remember. She was being very forward with her flirtiness. But I honestly wasn't interested. I have had some flings in the past just like most people. Cuz it is the 21 century and some people don't really follow the whole betrayal thing even tho it is still seen as that to a lot of people. I don't know I guess it's very controversial. But Ashlyn or Ashley whatever is just some girl I just met at this party my mates and I are at. Honestly I hope I never see her again because she keeps calling me "Lukey" and I hate when people call me that. She also just tried to convince me her favorite band was the one-nine-seven-five. But I know she's just trying to impress me cuz she looked at the band shirt I was wearing. But Im done with flings and anything like that. I haven't met an interesting girl in my whole life. The only people I care about are my three best friends and my parents and brothers. Personally i really don't buy into this "soulmate" crap. I think it's extremely stupid and ridiculous. It's definitely not for me thats for sure. Love isn't real. At least it isn't for me. I mean sure it works for some people but theres no way everyone wakes up with the correct tattoo and falls madly in love with whoever the name is. Some people don't even ever meet their soulmate. I won't lie I'm definitely curious. But i think when people talk about how in love they instantly felt when they met their soulmate is most likely because they just want to be in love and be loved back so so bad. But i guess we will just have to wait and find out. To me getting a soulmate is the equivalent of ruining my life. thats the absolute last thing i want for myself in life.

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