chapter 5

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Luke POV

Well the one good thing of me looking like an idiot in front of her was that any nauseousness or stomach pains i had before were completely gone and according to Calum i had time before i would have to deal with that again. Especially if we were at school i would see her. Honestly if all i have to do is look at her once every few days i could most definitely go on with my normal life without having to deal with her. As annoying as this is i guess i can deal with it for now. Anyway it's now Friday again and this whole week has been perfectly fine. Basically all i do is make sure i look at Alice at the beginning of the day before school. Steal a few glances in the cafeteria at lunch. And that's just the few steps i have to go through with and my tattoo hasn't hurt or itched at all. and honestly this is so chill. And when her 18th birthday arrives she can just reject me and we can both go on with our normal lives. So basically this is just a temporary thing for me and i only have to wait probably a few months and this will all be over. And then the only thing ill have to worry about is making sure girls like Ashley leave me alone. So right now it was lunch time and the guys and i were sitting at our table in the cafeteria and i was currently looking towards the door waiting for a certain pale skinned brunette to walk in. I wasn't paying attention to any conversation around me when suddenly something Michael said caught my attention. "I'm so glad we get an extra weekend day off this weekend ughhh" i turned my head towards him and asked "what?". He responded "we have our three day weekend". "Three days? We don't have school for three whole days?" i frantically asked. "yeah just like always it's because of that teacher school payment whatever thing so lucky us we get another three day weekend" Ashton said. A whole extra day we don't have school. i didnt mind not having to go to school for an extra day. It was not being able to see Alice for another day."why don't you look excited mate?" Michael asked. "it's cuz he won't be able to creepily stare at his soulmate every second of everyday" Calum said. "no! it's so i can look at her specifically so my tattoo doesn't start hurting" i said. "oh yeah just so you don't feel the physical pain part okay" Ashton said. "what are you saying?" i annoyingly asked him. "mate we all have noticed you staring at her for several minutes and even when you turn away from her it doesn't last long you look back at her" Calum said. oops am i that obvious? "it's okay to be curious about her and want to know her" Ashton said to me. "i don't need to know! she doesn't mean anything to me! And I don't care about her at all. She's ruining my life by me feeling physical pain but not look at her for once " i angrily said back. "hey it's okay to not be interested in your soulmate at all" michael said. what is he saying? he can't wait to meet his soulmate? why is he telling me not to go for it? whatever. "ill catch you guys later i need go to the bathroom" and i walked out of the cafeteria. I didnt actually have to pee. i just needed to clear my head. i didnt want to think about this whole soulmate thing anymore. luckily she'll be 18 soon and this will all be over. speaking of that i should probably find out her birthday so ill know to see her on that day so she can reject me. Even though part of me hoped she wouldn't. i was kind of just walking not really sure of what i wanted to do. maybe i could ditch my last class?  but then i saw her.


She walked into the library. Did I need a book for an assignment ? or something? all i knew is i was walking into the library not sure where to go. Have I ever been in here ? I looked around trying to find where Alice went but i couldn't find her. why do i care where she is? what am i doing?i don't do libraries. i started walking down an isle of books pretending i knew what i was doing when i looked through a bookshelf and saw her sitting at a table. why was she just sitting alone? i suddenly found myself wanting to just go join her and ask her if she had any plans for the weekend. why am i feeling that? suddenly another girl joined and her and Alice smiled and greeted her. "hey my dude whats going on!!" Alice said. "not much man are you still down to hang out tonight?" the other girl asked. "yeah dude!! did you get the fried mac and cheese balls?" fried mac and cheese balls? what the hell was that? sounds kind of weird who is this girl? "yes!! and i have all the twilight movies ready to go !" her friend said. uhhh twilight are you serious ? she's into that? are you kidding me? can she get more annoying? "yaasss!! ooh do you wanna watch eclipse tonight? since last time we watched new moon? plus this one has Seth and you know how much i love Seth!" who the hell is Seth? and why did i care so much? is this...jealousy? whatever. i dont care. i wouldn't ever say this to anyone but hearing her get excited about something even as ridiculous as twilight was kind of cute. she was kind of cute....i guess. i guess i zoned out for a second because suddenly they were both hysterically laughing about something. what was so funny? "thats literally the best line in the whole star wars series " her friend said. "yes yes yes i agree just the way luke skywalker says it is the best!" star wars? so my little soulmate has a nerdy side. also i know she wasnt talking about me but she technically said my name and the way she pronounces it made my heart beat faster.

She really is kind of.... cute. sorta...

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