Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes and the first thing i saw was the clock saying 7:08. And i realized i need to get up for school luckily it was friday though. And the guys were coming over tonight. Then i remembered

My birthday

I immediately sat up and looked down at my chest to see if there was a name. There was black cursive writing on my chest but i couldn't read it because of the angle i was trying to make my head turn. I got up and walked to the mirror and read

Alice Wonderland

Alice. Alice Wonderland. Just thinking that name gave me butterflies....what? butterflies ? This is new. Im probably just coming down with something though. Alice Wonderland... that name does sound extremely familiar. I won't lie. Knowing that i might know her already did make me excited. But i also didnt get my hopes up. So i got ready for school and once i got there i immediately saw my best friends. Ashton, Calum, and Michael. Calum is the only one of us who has met his soulmate so far. I do believe they are meant to be and are in love.  I just feel nervous as i might not have the same luck. But I barely admit that even to myself. Honestly i think soulmates are stupid and i don't need one. Everyone knows me as the guy who doesn't care about anything and has no feelings. But a part of me really did hope that this girl would see me for someone who wasn't a reckless rebel the world sees me as. People at school don't really socialize with me or my friends. People are scared of me, confused by michael which results in him being avoided. Calum is that guy that people approach if needed but since he's seen with Michael and I people tend to avoid him too. And Ashton is the only really friendly one of us. If people need to approach us they go to Ashton. He's the nicest. But people still avoid him when he's seen with us. We're kind of loners except for each other. We're nobodies but also known for being feared. Anyway. Back to the soulmate thing. A part of me hope things would be great and I would know what people were talking about when they said they were in love. But I also feel like I'm not that lucky to end up with such a happy ending. I've heard of some soulmates rejecting their mates. It's not very often but supposedly after you're rejected you can never love or be loved again. The thought of that made me shutter. But I try not to think about any of this stuff so much. Hiding my problems. As soon as i got up to my mates they were shouting happy birthday and being the loud and obnoxious friends i know they are. Suddenly it was as if they all remembered at the same time. "did you get the know?" Michael asked me. "Yeah do you know her?" Ashton added. "No it's someone named Alice Wonderland" i told them. "Alice Wonderland.... i feel like i know that name" said Ashton. "Yeah i feel like it sounds familiar to me too" i said. "i recognize that name i think she goes to school here" Calum told me. "Hey Alice there you are!! " we heard. We all turned in the direction of that voice. When i turned around thats when it happened. I saw her. Alice Wonderland.

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