Chapter 5

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Sweaters - Ivan B

Knowing that he stood almost no chance with Sasuke, the blond decided to write letters to him. Secret Admirer letters that is. However, he couldn't bring himself to actually send them due to the fear of Sasuke figuring him out. So instead, he wrote them, put them in envelopes and left them on the his dresser. They were three tied together by rubber band and left them there until he gets the courage to actually send them. He was currently in the library studying simply because he couldn't find another better to waste time doing. He then felt the familiar vibrating of his phone in his pocket signalling he got a text. It was from Tsunade.

Tsunade: Brat, Hinata is here to see you. I'll let her wait in your room until you get back.[4:31pm]

Naruto: Alright, be home soon.[4:32pm]

Naruto quickly finished up what he was doing and made his way back home. When he arrived, he said a quick hello to Tsunade before making his way into his bedroom. Hinata was seated on the bed, looking slightly nervous but he figured it was because she had been alone in his room.

"Hey Hinata-chan," the blond grinned, his mask up.

"Y-You don't h-have to pretend in f-front of me," she reminded, she saw right through him. She had admired him for the longest time, it would be a bit strange if she hadn't noticed the mask he put up.

The grin faltered a bit before leaving his features. "Right, sorry." he apologized.

"D-Don't apologize," she smiled slightly. "Anyway, I wanted to stop by and ask how you're doing?"

Naruto laughed slightly. "the answer is the same since last time you ask me," he replied. Hinata came over at least twice a week to make sure he was doing well but he answer was always the same.

The blushed slightly, realizing her mistake. She hadn't noticed it before but she does ask that question a lot. "O-Oh, well tell me if there's a-anything I can do t-t help," she offered. "I-I'll be leaving now," before Naruto could say anything more, she was out the bedroom door and making her way out of the house.

Naruto chuckled softly to himself at how embarrassed she had gotten. He turned and made his way to his dresser to get his letters, only to find them missing. He blinked in confusion, thinking he misplaced them, he began looking for them. They shouldn't be too hard to find since they were fairly large. After awhile of searching, he came up empty handed. He didn't he mind though, it's not like he planned on giving them to the raven anyway.

The next morning, he was sitting in lunch with his usual group, chatting casually. That is until Sasuke said something that made his heart stop. "So, I found a bunch of letters in my locker earlier," he started.

"Like a secret admirer?" Kiba asked curiously. Sasuke nodded. "Read one," he requested.

"Okay," he nodded, pulling out one of the few letters from one of his folders and began reading. "Dear Sasuke, if you have received this letter that means I have finally gotten the courage to put these in your locker. There may be more to come, if I follow through with it but I just wanted you to know, I really love you. I have for the longest time, nearly five years, but I know I stand no chance with you. I won't tell you how I know because that'll give away who I am but I'll leave it at that for now. I love you Sasuke, remember that," the raven read allowed, he happened to pick the first letter from the pile.

Naruto had began tense as he read. Those were his letters! How the hell did Sasuke get them?! He swallowed thickly, he was so caught up in his thoughts that he forgot to breathe. He almost started choking until he remembered to breathe, the color coming back to his skin.

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