Chapter 4

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A light breeze flowed through the streets as Rhys and I walked throughout the city. Children were running all along the streets, their joyful laughter filling the air. A couple were standing near a marble fountain, splashing the water all around them.

My hand gently clasped Rhy's as we slowly stode down the streets, admiring all that he worked for, that we both had worked for. As we got close to the squealing children around the fountain, I lifted a hand. The water bubbled and then rose, the children watched as I shaped the water into little animals as I once did  at the Summer Court.

Little butterflies, foxes, doves, and rabbits all jumped and swirled around the fountain. The children gasped in awe and started to chase the little water animals around, their gleeful laughter making my smile grow wider. Rhys wrapped an arm around my waist and I leaned back into him. He watched with a small grin on his face as I wove the animals throughout the air and made them dance around the little boys and girls.

I let my hand drop, and with them the animals slowly dissolved back into flowing water and dropped right bck into the fountain. Rhys and I slowly walked down the street once more. My hair flowed in the wind behind me as we admired all of the joyous people milling around.

My eyes narrowed at the few areas still ridden with destruction. But even those areas were not a damper on Velaris's  happiness, as they were decorated with beautiful blossoms.

We walked around the city for hours, savoring our one day of peace and quiet. We toured all the Palaces again, and watching the vendors yell the shares at the passing customers. A smile remained on my face the whole time. It wasn't a fake one, no, it was one of pure happiness as I saw the people of Velaris, our people, safe and thriving after the war.

And as night fell, we visited one of the most beloved places of the city. I walked inside the Rainbow, gazing at the galleries full of the art that let the city thrive.

One gallery in particular had my breath catching. The entire hall was filled with paintings of the city. Four canvases alone were focused on the Palaces, capturing the chaos of each one perfectly. On another wall hung illustrations of the Sidra using the paint, the blue hues in the painting making the water look real.

 Another array of canvases showcased the city as a whole at night. The details were remarkable, and the artist in me wanted to learn how to do that, how to make each and every one of my paintings appear real.

I glanced at another piece of art and my breath caught. On the wall, mounted, hung a master piece. My face lay on the cloth of the art work, captured perfectly. Every strand of hair, every freckle, every hint of blue in my eyes matched my face exactly. It was like looking in a mirror.

 Rhys stared at the painting, than glanced at me, his brow raised. "Looks like someone is quite famous around here" he drawled, pulling me in closer. I shoved him with my shoulder, but allowed him to hug me.

I tore my eyes from the painting, and we walked out of the Rainbow, across the Sidra, and went right back home.

I immediately scarfed down a dinner and laid my head down on the pillow. I laid there, thinking about what the future held for me, held for all of us.

I didn't know how much time had passed until the door opened and I was awaken from my thoughts. My mate smiled at me then plopped down onto the bed himself. He gathered me into his arms, his warmth better than any blanket. "Sleep well, Feyre" he murmured into my hair.

And so I let my eyes close and my mind to calm. I snuggled closer to Rhys, listening to his heartbeat. Sleep soon had me in its grasp and pulled me into a peaceful space full of dreams of a better world, a world where everyday was like today.

Hi guys, sorry if this chapter was really short, it seemed like a good stopping point so I ended it here. Thanks for reading and please vote and leave a comment.

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