Chapter 18: Bonus

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Everyone in the audience, including Caesar, gasps.

A tribute 'liking' another, is unheard of. But that doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

Just simply no one has ever had the guts to say it. But they didn't think of using their love as a strategy. Idid.

Take that mother!

During the commotion, including cries and plenty of shouts, I glance at Katniss, only to see her blushing and her head faced towards her knees. She'll hate me after this, it's always been obvious she wants no romance in her life. But I had to let her know before I die, I won't live long enough for her to be mad at me anyway, it's not like I expect her to love me back.

But that would be a bonus.

"Oh, that is a piece of bad luck." He says with true sympathy. At least someone feels sorry for me, all Katniss will do is blame me. I'm so looking forward to that!

The crowd is murmuring in agreement, some are even sending agonizing cries. Wow, make that more than one who feels sorry for me, seems my plan is working. Hopefully with my help Katniss can make it out alive. I just hope Haymitch sticks to our plan and doesn't get dead drunk.

That wouldn't help her chances.

"It's not good." I agree with a slight shake of my head.

"Well, I don't think any of us can blame you. It'd be hard not to fall for that young lady." I nod slightly and glance at Katniss who seems to have blushed more at this comment. If I didn't know better it would seem like she likes me too.

"She didn't know?" Caesar asks. I shake my head.

"Not until now." I reply with a sad expression on my face. Katniss looks up and focuses her grey eyes on my blue eyes, her blush is unmistakable, if this wasn't a serious occasion, I would probably be jumping up and down with giddiness like a little child.

"Wouldn't you love to pull her back and get her response to this?" Caesar asks, a roar comes from the audience. No, she could say something to ruin this, she can'-

"Sadly, rules are rules and Katniss Everdeen's has been well spent. Well, best of luck to you Peeta Mellark. And I think I speak for all of Panem when I say our hearts go with yours." Caesar says, it takes all I can not to breath a sigh of relief. The crowds go wild as I start to stand up from the interview seat.

I choke out a quiet "Thank you" and sit back on my chair next to Katniss, whose blush has died down along with the crowd's cries. We stand up for the anthem and I see every camera dominated on us like the chariot rides.

I just hope this doesn't backfire on me.

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